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17th session of the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships

17th session of the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships


24 June (10:00) - 26 June (13:00) 2024
Room V, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland


59171 _ Programme (24-25 June) _ 391614 _ English _ 773 _ 414480 _ pdf
59171 _ Programme (26 June) _ 391622 _ English _ 773 _ 414488 _ pdf
59171 _ ECE/CECI/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth session _ 390196 _ English _ 773 _ 414178 _ pdf
59171 _ ECE/CECI/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth session _ 390196 _ French _ 780 _ 414179 _ pdf
59171 _ ECE/CECI/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth session _ 390196 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414180 _ pdf
59171 _ ECE/CECI/2024/4 - Draft programme of work of the Economic Cooperation and Integration subprogramme for 2025 _ 390198 _ English _ 773 _ 414184 _ pdf
59171 _ ECE/CECI/2024/4 - Draft programme of work of the Economic Cooperation and Integration subprogramme for 2025 _ 390198 _ French _ 780 _ 414185 _ pdf
59171 _ ECE/CECI/2024/4 - Draft programme of work of the Economic Cooperation and Integration subprogramme for 2025 _ 390198 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414186 _ pdf