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Press Releases

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UNECE preparatory meeting for Rio+20 calls for adoption of a green economy road map

GenevaThe UNECE Regional Preparatory Meeting for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD; Rio+20 Conference), held on 1 and 2 December in Geneva, reflected growing interest in sustainable development goals and strong support for the adoption of a green economy road…

UNECE workshop to improve quality and access to information on transboundary water resources in Central Asia

Almaty/GenevaAt the “Managing water information in Central Asia” workshop, held on 7 December in Almaty, Kazakhstan, organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), more than 50 representatives of Central Asian countries, international organizations and donors…

UNECE promotes transboundary cooperation and climate change adaptation in the threatened Dniester River Basin

KyivOn 1 and 2 December 2011 official and non-governmental organization representatives of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova met in Kyiv to further develop transboundary water cooperation on the shared Dniester River, where severe weather events, such as flooding, coupled with serious…

UNECE assesses the environmental performance of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo UNECE and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MOFTER) launched the 2nd Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina today in front of an audience of key Governmental institutions, the NGO sector, and international…

UNECE supports Azerbaijan and Georgia talks on shared water resources

BakuOn Monday, 28 November 2011, Government representatives of Azerbaijan and Georgia met in Baku to discuss a draft bilateral agreement on the shared water resources of the Kura River Basin as part of a joint United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)-Organization for…

UNECE Helps Broker New Shared Strategic Vision for Management of the Drin River Basin

Tirana On 25 November 2011 in Tirana the five Drin River Riparians signed a Memorandum of Understanding on a Shared Strategic Vision for the Sustainable Management of the Drin River Basin to protect the shared water resources for about 1.5 million people relying on the water resources of…

Исполнительный секретарь ЕЭК ООН Ян Кубиш назначен Специальным представителем Генерального секретаря и главой Миссии ООН в Афганистане

23 ноября Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун объявил о назначении Яна Кубиша, Исполнительного секретаря ЕЭК ООН с 2009 года, своим Специальным представителем и главой Миссии ООН по содействию Афганистану (МООНСА). Господин Кубиш заменит в должности шведского дипломата Стаффана де Мистуру,…

UNECE Executive Secretary Ján Kubiš appointed Special Representative of the Secretary General and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

GenevaThe Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, announced on 23 November the appointment of Ján Kubiš, UNECE Executive Secretary since 2009, as his Special Representative and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan(UNAMA). Ján Kubiš, 59, succeeds Staffan de…

UNECE region prepares for Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development

Geneva The Regional Preparatory Meeting for the United Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, Rio+20) for the UNECE region will take place at the Palais des Nations, Room XVIII, on 1-2 December 2011. About 300 delegates representing Governments, intergovernmental organizations, UN…

Supporting innovation and competitiveness

Geneva Fostering innovation occupies a central position in strategies to enhance national competitiveness, serving to increase productivity and providing the foundation for sustained economic growth. Collaboration between the public and private sectors, including in the development of key…

UNECE International Conference will discuss innovative entrepreneurship in Baku


Rapid technological change has transformed the global economy and made possible new business practices and ways to access  the markets by entrepreneurs. However, traditional barriers to entrepreneurship are still an obstacle to the development of…

Investing into active ageing: UNECE Working Group on Ageing meets to devise strategies for the region

Geneva National ageing focal points from across the UNECE region are gathering in Geneva for the Fourth meeting of the UNECE Working Group on Ageing on 21-22 November 2011. Active ageing and quality of life in old age will be the focus of a special in-depth discussion with latest research…

UNECE workshop to help mainstream environmental concerns into Uzbek Government plans and policies opens in Tashkent

Tashkent/Geneva, 9 November 2011 — An expert workshop to enhance understanding of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, and in particular the Convention’s Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment, opened in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, today.  The…

UNECE receives award for supporting economic development and regional integration in the Mediterranean

GenevaOn 29 October,  at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)  sixth Plenary session, held in Palermo, Italy,  the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) was granted the PAM Award for its contribution towards the region's attainment of …


Алматы и Женева

Сегодня в г. Алматы, Казахстан, открылась международная конференция высокого уровня, которая обсудит пути укрепления трансграничного водного сотрудничества в Центральной Азии и роль международного водного…

Central Asian countries discuss the role of UNECE Water Convention in strengthening transboundary cooperation

Almaty and GenevaAn international high-level conference opened today in Almaty, Kazakhstan, to discuss ways for strengthening transboundary water cooperation in Central Asia and the role of international water law in finding long-term sustainable solutions for water management in this…

Aarhus Convention Membership reaches 45: Iceland ratifies far-reaching environmental rights treaty

GenevaAs of 20 October 2011, Iceland has become the latest country to ratify the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. This action raises the…

В рамках Водной инициативы ЕС между ЕЭК ООН и Грузией подписан Меморандум о взаимопонимании

ЕЭК ООН подписала Меморандум о взаимопонимании с Министерством охраны окружающей среды Грузии по Национальному диалогу по политике (НДП) в сфере интегрированного управления водными ресурсами (ИУВР), проводимому в в Грузии в рамках Водной инициативы Европейского союза (ЕС). Меморандум был…

UNECE signs Memorandum of Understanding with Georgia under the EU Water Initiative

UNECE signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Environment Protection of Georgia on the National Policy Dialogue (NPD) on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) that will be carried out in the country in the framework of the European Union (EU) Water Initiative. The…

UNECE/FAO define key messages to stress the contribution of forests to a Green Economy

Geneva Increasing environmental, social and economic expectations are putting unprecedented pressure on forests in the ECE region. Balancing the competing demands of climate change, while protecting the forests’ rich biodiversity, yet satisfying a growing requirement for renewable energy…