UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release


The UNECE publishes consolidated versions of the Vienna Conventions on Road Traffic
and of the European Agreement Supplementing it

Geneva, 8 June 2007 -- The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has issued a new publication containing consolidated versions of the Convention on Road Traffic, of 1968, and the European Agreement supplementing it, of 1971, in English, French and Russian.

The new publication contains all amendments to these instruments adopted and entered into force to date, including the ban on using handheld mobile phones while driving, the obligation on national legislation to define content and conditions for theoretical and practical driving tests, and the medical requirements for receiving a driving permit.


The Convention on Road Traffic, of 1968, also known as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, as it was concluded in Vienna in 1968, regulates all facets of driving behaviour, such as speed and distance between vehicles, intersections and obligation to give way. Moreover, it details the technical conditions for the admission of vehicles to international traffic and provides models for domestic and international driving permits.

The European Agreement supplementing the Convention, which was concluded under UNECE auspices in 1971, is aimed at achieving greater uniformity in the rules governing road traffic in Europe. To this end, the European Agreement establishes road safety standards that are stricter than those of the Convention. It also makes obligatory provisions that are of recommendatory nature in the Convention.

In addition, the publication includes the list of distinguishing signs used on vehicles in international traffic and the list of Contracting Parties to the Convention and to the European Agreement.

Together with the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, the Convention on Road Traffic provides Governments with a harmonized legal and technical basis for their national highway codes and ensures a high level of road safety in the countries that implement them.

Another publication with consolidated versions of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals and of the European Agreement supplementing it is being prepared.

The publication may be ordered from the following website:

For further information please contact:

José Capel Ferrer, Director, or
Marie-Noëlle Poirier,
UNECE Transport Division
Palais des Nations
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Phone: +41 (0) 22 917 2400, 917 3259
Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 0039
E-mail: [email protected]

Ref: ECE/TRANS/07/N13