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UNECE training on Trade Facilitation in Ukraine

UNECE training on Trade Facilitation in Ukraine

On 27 August, UNECE delivered a training seminar on how to use its Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide ( in Kiev. Organized in cooperation with the ministries of economy and transport and the Interagency Working Group on trade facilitation in Ukraine, the seminar gathered thirty-four representatives from the ministries of trade, transport, agriculture, customs and other trade control agencies, the business community, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.

Participants were provided with guidance on how the UNECE Guide can be used for the development of mechanisms for public-private cooperation for trade facilitation, reducing delays at border crossings, streamlining, simplifying and automating customs clearance, transit, export and import procedures, and establishing a Single Window system. This is crucial to foster Ukraine’s trade and economic development, and its inclusion in global supply chains.

At the request of the Ukrainian authorities, UNECE will consider the possibility to provide technical assistance to Ukraine to assess the level of implementation of its commitments towards the World Trade Organization as regards trade facilitation and of related WTO notifications.

Participants were very positive about the possibility to use the Guide and the skills acquired during the seminar in their daily work. The participation of the private sector in the training contributed to its success, as trade facilitation is essentially a partnership between the business community and public authorities.

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