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14/15AE: Strengthening the capacity of transition and developing economies to participate in cross-border agricultural food supply chains

Strengthening the capacity of transition and developing economies to participate in cross-border agricultural food supply chains

EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Monitoring the Implementation

Final/Terminal report

• Evaluation ToR
• Evaluation report

Midpoint/Annual Progress Reports

Annual funds utilization reports

Annual funds utilization report

Part I. Planning
Part II. Implementation

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities

Estimated costs (US$)

Implemented activities3

Actual expenditures4 (US$)3

EA 1:

Enhanced understanding and increased capacity among public and private sector stakeholders to apply standards and best practices for efficient regulation, information exchange and agricultural food quality in the development of national and sectoral strategies to improve access to sustainable international agricultural food supply chains and increase export opportunities.

A1.1 Develop and publish training materials/modules on minimum quality requirements for the export of agricultural produce (set 1), the technical and legal infrastructure necessary to ensure consistent quality exports and increase countries’ prospects to participate in cross-border agricultural trade (set 2). The exact content of the two sets will be determined in the preparatory phase of the project. The training modules will pool standards and best practice material available at UNECE as well as material from other international organizations (including OECD, FAO, EU) and combine it with new modules on other prerequisites for successful cross-border agri-food trade including risk mitigation, legislative requirements etc. 

No cost so far The compilation of UNECE training material on best practices and international instruments for enhancing agricultural supply chains was finalized in late 2015 and several items are ready for publication. A strategic partnership with another international organization will help develop the web platform and disseminate the material to a wider audience with the first part of the material going online in early 2016.   

A1.2 Develop a guide (set of recommendations) for the assessment of shortcomings in agriculture supply chains and the improvement of trade efficiency to help countries increase their access to cross-border agricultural trade using international standards and best practices.


A1.3 Prepare a series of country-based case studies which analyses priority agri-food supply chains in selected countries, show how the application of standards and best practices can improve these supply chains and draft a prioritized implementation action plans for subsequent reform processes. The studies will provide concrete examples and lessons learnt that will be integrated into the capacity-building workshops of the project.

Activity (case study on priority agri-food supply chain, dried apricots), was started in December 2014 and was completed in May 2015 and translated into Russian.  8800

A 1.4 Organize 4 subregional capacity-building workshops focusing on product specific, priority agricultural supply chains in the project’s target countries/sub regions for policy makers, traders and producers, to share the findings of the case studies and the set of recommendations as well as good practices and initiatives on international standards and best practice. The workshops are expected to focus on how to apply international standards and best practice to the countries’ priority agricultural supply chains.


The first capacity-building activity for western Balkan countires (ECE target region) was held together with UNECE’s international symposium and Specialized Section on meat to maximize impact and reduce costs. It focused on the role of international instruments in providing safer and traceable products in cross-border meat supply chains. 

 The first capacity-building activity for Central Asia (UNECE target region) was held back to back with the annual session of UNECE’s Specialized Section on Dry and dried Produce and co-organized with the Ministry of Economy of Turkey in Izmir both to reduce costs and increase exposure. The workshop which focused on Agri-Food Supply Chains in Cross-Border Trade of Nuts and Dried Fruit included presentations by experts from around the world and practical training in research institutes and processing plants.

 The second capacity-building activity for western Balkan countries and Central Asia  (ECE target region) focused on meat supply chains was held together with UNECE’s international symposium on food safety in meat supply chains and Specialized Section on meat to maximize impact and reduce costs. It focused on the role of international rules and regulations (public and private) aimed at increasing the trade of safe and traceable products in cross-border meat supply chains.




56,800 approximately


EA 2:    

Strengthened capacity of policymakers and practitioners to exchange experiences and best practices for facilitating enhanced agricultural food supply chains

A2.1 Organize 2 regional workshops for national policymakers and stakeholders in agri-food supply chains focusing on the policy priorities of the regions. The workshops will help extend (under the umbrella of UNNExT) or establish advisory groups on the development of integrated strategies combining improved quality of agricultural produce, better governance, regulatory compliance, improved electronic information exchange and enhanced and simplified processes. The groups will liaise with policy makers in their own countries and the region and help further promote the project’s deliverables and their integration into national and regional agendas.


A2.2 Organize a concluding international workshop with the participation of public and private sector experts from the UNESCAP and UNECE target and pilot countries to review the project’s outcomes and deliverables to ensure continuity, integration into national agendas and support for follow-up actions.   
