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17th session of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems

17th session of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems

06 October (10:00) - 08 October (18:00) 2021
Palais des Nations (room TEMPUS 3), Geneva and Online Switzerland


15542 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2021/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth session _ 358926 _ English _ 773 _ 332989 _ pdf
15542 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2021/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth session _ 358926 _ French _ 780 _ 332990 _ pdf
15542 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2021/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth session _ 358926 _ Russian _ 864 _ 332991 _ pdf
15542 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2021/2 - Report of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems at its Seventeenth Session _ 361643 _ English _ 773 _ 340500 _ pdf
15542 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2021/2 - Report of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems at its Seventeenth Session _ 361643 _ French _ 780 _ 347317 _ pdf
15542 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2021/2 - Report of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems at its Seventeenth Session _ 361643 _ Russian _ 864 _ 347318 _ pdf

Sessions Concept Notes

16395 _ Financing Decarbonization of Energy System in UNECE region _ 359415 _ English _ 773 _ 337071 _ pdf
16395 _ Potential of hydrogen to contribute to sustainable development _ 359416 _ English _ 773 _ 336222 _ pdf
16395 _ Digitalizing energy systems _ 359418 _ English _ 773 _ 337070 _ pdf

Room Documents

17436 _ CES-17/2021 INF.1 Draft Conclusions and Recommendations _ 360239 _ English _ 773 _ 336379 _ docx
17436 _ ECE_ENERGY_2021_8_CES Work Plan 2022-2023 _ 360450 _ English _ 773 _ 337072 _ pdf
17436 _ ECE_ENERGY_2019_CES Work Plan 2020-2021 _ 360452 _ English _ 773 _ 337074 _ pdf

Presentations: Financing decarbonization of energy system in the UNECE region

16396 _ Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association _ 360770 _ English _ 773 _ 338338 _ pdf

Presentations: Potential of hydrogen to contribute to sustainable development

18526 _ UNECE - EBRD Regional H2 Market Study Overview _ 360773 _ English _ 773 _ 338341 _ pdf

Presentations: Digitalizing energy systems