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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 38

- Pусский
Европейское соглашение о важных международных линиях комбинированных перевозок и связанных с ними объектах (СЛКП) обеспечивает техническую и правовую основу для развития эффективной международной интермодальной и комбинированной автомобильно-железнодорожной транспортной инфраструктуры и услуг в
- Français
L'Accord européen sur les grandes lignes de transport international combiné et les installations connexes (AGTC) fournit le cadre technique et juridique pour le développement d'infrastructures et de services efficaces de transport international intermodal et combiné rail-route en Europe. L'AGTC
- English
European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and related Installations (AGTC) provides the technical and legal framework for the development of efficient international intermodal and combined road/rail transport infrastructure and services in Europe. The AGTC determines
- Pусский
Анализ эффективности автомобильных, железнодорожных, внутренних водных и интермодальных транспортных систем Европейская экономическая комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН) при поддержке Экономической и социальной комиссии для Западной Азии (ЭСКЗА)
- Français
Appréhender la performance des systèmes de transport routier, ferroviaire, fluvial et intermodal La Commission économique pour l’Europe (CEE), avec le soutien de la Commission économique et sociale pour l’Asie occidentale (CESAO) et de la Commission économique
- English
Understanding the performance of road, rail, inland waterway, and inter-modal transport systems The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the support of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Economic
- Pусский
Данное руководство по подготовке национальных генеральных планов в области грузовых перевозок и логистики было разработано с целью продемонстрировать значение сектора грузовых перевозок для национального экономического развития и, что еще важнее, с целью предоставить национальным органам,
- Français
Le Manuel pour l'élaboration de plans directeurs nationaux sur le transport de marchandises et la logistique a été élaboré en vue de montrer l'importance du secteur du fret pour le développement économique national et, surtout, d'aider les autorités nationales responsables du transport de
- English
This Handbook for national master plans for freight transport and logistics has been elaborated with the aim to showcase the importance of the freight sector for the national economic development, and more importantly to assist national authorities in charge of freight transport and logistics with
- English
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has placed our increasingly interconnected world in an unprecedented situation. This crisis has generated human distress and an economic downturn that is impacting global efforts to improve livelihoods and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Pусский
В 2002 году государства-члены Европейского региона ЕЭК и ВОЗ разработали Общеевропейскую программу по транспорту, окружающей среде и охране здоровья (ОПТОСОЗ). ОПТОСОЗ обеспечивает межсекторальные и межправительственные политические механизмы, что способствует развитию мобильности и транспортных
- English
Member States in the ECE and WHO European Region established the Transport,Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP) in 2002. By providing an intersectoral and intergovernmental policy framework, THE PEP promotes mobility and transport strategies that integrate environmental and
- English
As part of the ongoing work on THE PEP a Study on good practices in Mobility Management has been published.Drawing on concrete experiences from across the Pan-European region, the guide, developed under the Transport Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP), provides practical
- English
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new mobility concept gaining pace in many cities around the world. Its value proposition concerns integration of mobility services which is realized by providing trip planning and one-stop fare purchase for the user through a single platform.Since MaaS is only
- English
Regional maps available here Extreme weather events, some of which are increasing in intensity and frequency, as well as slower onset climate changes (for example, sea level rise) and
- English
A study on the transport infrastructure and services available in Kyrgyzstan. This document reviews the country’s extensive recent and future transport investments, and sets out recommendations to ensure its transport network is ready to harness the growth in inland transport from rising Asia-
- English
Improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan as a transport logistics centre at the crossroads of Europe and Asia could enable the country to unlock significant untapped benefits of growing cargo flows between the two continents. This study identifies the transport infrastructure and
- English
During recent decades governments all around the world were faced with a complicated set of options for investing in transport, including transport infrastructure. This publication examines main principles for determining the most appropriate models for financing transport infrastructure
- English
The present publication (download here) concerns intermodal transport, with a particular focus on the role of railways in intermodality and the importance of transport documents computerisation for intermodal transport. The
- English
The inclusion of urban transport in the SDG 11 is further confirmation that transport is an essential component of the overall sustainable development. It is crucial to eradicating poverty and economic growth (access to markets and jobs), improving education (access to