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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 35

- Pусский
Анализ эффективности автомобильных, железнодорожных, внутренних водных и интермодальных транспортных систем Европейская экономическая комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН) при поддержке Экономической и социальной комиссии для Западной Азии (ЭСКЗА)
- Français
Appréhender la performance des systèmes de transport routier, ferroviaire, fluvial et intermodal La Commission économique pour l’Europe (CEE), avec le soutien de la Commission économique et sociale pour l’Asie occidentale (CESAO) et de la Commission économique
- English
Understanding the performance of road, rail, inland waterway, and inter-modal transport systems The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the support of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Economic
- English
UNRSF is playing a catalytic role in transforming investments for road safety and changing world views to understand how road safety transcends many other SDGs. In West Africa, 15 countries received support which ultimately resulted in the celebrated adoption of a single environmental used car
- English
The UNRSF 2020 Annual Report is now available.
- English
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has placed our increasingly interconnected world in an unprecedented situation. This crisis has generated human distress and an economic downturn that is impacting global efforts to improve livelihoods and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- English
- English
While the second half of 2020 was marked by the warranted fight against the COVID-19 pandemic which continued to change the face of the world, our ambitions for a better global road safety were not scaled back. COVID-19 has taught us to move away from the “silo mentality” and instead align
- English
The UN Road Safety Fund was established in 2018 as a UN multi-partner trust fund pursuant to the General Assembly resolution 70/260 and with the support of the UN Secretary-General. It aims to help low
- English
Updated Guidelines on the use of the UNRSF brand and logo
- Pусский
В 2002 году государства-члены Европейского региона ЕЭК и ВОЗ разработали Общеевропейскую программу по транспорту, окружающей среде и охране здоровья (ОПТОСОЗ). ОПТОСОЗ обеспечивает межсекторальные и межправительственные политические механизмы, что способствует развитию мобильности и транспортных
- English
Member States in the ECE and WHO European Region established the Transport,Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP) in 2002. By providing an intersectoral and intergovernmental policy framework, THE PEP promotes mobility and transport strategies that integrate environmental and
- English
The UNRSF launches the second issue of its newsletter at a time when the world continues to face unprecedented change and disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the momentum gained with the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in February 2020 where the Stockholm
- English
The UN Road Safety Fund’s (UNRSF) secretariat seeks additional financial support from private and public sector donors where the Fund’s mission and donor priorities are aligned. Read more in the UNRSF donor brochure to consider becoming a donor. Contact the
- English
The UNRSF 2019 Annual Report is now available. Established two years ago as an innovative United Nations pooled fund, the Annual Report showcases the first concrete results of the UNRSF and thus demonstrates its potential to meet its ambition to substantially reduce death and injuries from road
- English
Organizations around the world are quickly adapting their programme and project activities to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. The UN Road Safety Fund is committed to the principles of adaptive programming, partnerships, and relevance. The operationalization of these
- English
The April 2020 marks the second anniversary of the launch of the United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF). The Fund is now financing 15 projects in 20 low- and middle-income countries to substantially reduce death and injuries from road crashes and to reduce
- English
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new mobility concept gaining pace in many cities around the world. Its value proposition concerns integration of mobility services which is realized by providing trip planning and one-stop fare purchase for the user through a single platform.Since MaaS is only
- English
Regional maps available here Extreme weather events, some of which are increasing in intensity and frequency, as well as slower onset climate changes (for example, sea level rise) and
- English