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Activities to implement the Long-term Strategy for the Convention

According to the current workplan, the following activities are to be implemented during the biennium 2015–16:
a) Involvement of Parties and other stakeholders
  • Targeted communication (newsletters, press releases, leaflets, website, promotion of online training on industrial accidents, cartoons and film on the Convention, participation in forums)
  • Working visits and high-level meetings to Parties
  • Working visits to other stakeholders

b) Exchange of information
  • Exchange of experience and good practices among Parties and to promote the continuous organization of bilateral exercises for preparedness
  • Raising knowledge on industrial safety at universities (follow-up to pilot project at Perm summer school, Russian Federation, possibly in cooperation with the ECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development)
  • Guidance on the implementation of the Convention with regard to the amended annex I on hazardous substances for the purpose of identifying hazardous activities

c) Strategic partnerships
  • Sharing of good practices on safety and land-use planning; development of guidance on safety and land-use planning (in cooperation with the ECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment and the ECE Committee on Housing and Land Management)
  • Activities to raise awareness of the risk of complacency, to ensure prevention and to maintain a high level of safety, with partners
  • Publishing and promotion of the checklist or methodology for harmonized contingency planning for accidents with potential impacts on transboundary waters and its application
  • Meeting with partner organizations to coordinate joint activities (3rd Inter Agency Coordination Meeting on Industrial Accidents)

d) Financing
  • Donor meetings and bilateral visits

e) Servicing intergovernmental bodies and expert groups