UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Subsidiary bodies
Committee on Trade


The Multiplier Point Programme: Reaching out to countries in transition



The UNECE’s Multiplier Point network consists of national or regional focal points in countries in transition. These can be private or public organizations involved in trade, industry or enterprise development in their country.

The Multiplier Points disseminate information about UNECE work areas of particular interest to countries in transition, allowing The UNECE to reach out to the business community, including start-up entrepreneurs, and relevant local, regional and national authorities.

To learn more about the programme, please select from the menu below:

1. What information is available?

2. How is the information distributed?

3. Where can I find a Multiplier Point in my country?

4. How can my organization or agency participate in the programme?


Multiplier Points
Main page
Latest communications to Multiplier Points
Latest news on the Multiplier Point Network
Multiplier Point Network Today
Contact Multiplier Point Coordinator
Cooperating Organizations
World Trade Point Federation