UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release


UNECE Launches EUR 250 million Eastern European Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy Investment Fund

Geneva, 27 April 2007 -- The UNECE Energy Efficiency 21 Project (EE21) is to assist in the development and launching of an Investment Fund to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe. The UNECE has received grants totalling US$ 7.5 million from the United Nations Foundation (UNF), Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) for ‘Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments for Climate Change Mitigation’. This technical assistance project will launch a public-private equity Fund under the auspices of the Global Environment Facility, assist local experts to develop investment projects for financing and work with local authorities on the energy policy reforms to support these investments.

The Energy Efficiency 21 Project promotes the formation of an energy efficiency market in Eastern Europe so that cost-effective investments can provide a self-financing method of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. During the last few years, the UNECE has demonstrated that it is possible to identify, develop and finance energy efficiency investment projects in Eastern Europe. But it has also shown that this is a time consuming and labour intensive process that needs to become much more fluid or business-as-usual in order to succeed on any meaningful scale.

The market for energy efficiency projects with a payback period of less than five years is estimated to be between EUR 5 and 10 billion. But the capital investment requirements needed to tap this potential are so large that only commercial sector finance on a significant scale can actually deliver meaningful results. This market will need to provide opportunities for the commercial sector to make large investments with low transaction costs that make adequate returns at acceptable risk within a reasonable period of time.

The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investment Fund is designed to provide a bridge between demonstration investments financed under special conditions in selected Eastern European locations to the establishment of an investment fund that can serve as a vehicle for the large scale participation of private sector investors in partnership with public entities including current and planned GEF projects.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) will be the GEF Implementing Agency and the UNECE is the Executing Agency for the project. Part of the funding from UNF, FFEM and GEF will be used to structure the Investment Fund, examine legal and fiscal issues, and solicit public and private sector investors who will select an experienced Fund Manager. The investment fund will not be managed by UNECE or UNEP but will be a separate legal entity aligned with Energy Efficiency 21.

The EE21 capacity building activities will be aimed at developing the skills of public and private sector experts to identify, develop and finance energy efficiency investment projects for submission to the Fund Manager. The project will also work with national administrations and local authorities to introduce economic, institutional and regulatory reforms needed to support these investment proposals.

An announcement by Mr. Marc-Antoine Martin, Secretary General, Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) concerning support for the Investment Fund will be made to the 60 th anniversary session of the Economic Commission for Europe at 12:00 on Friday 27 April in Salle XIX of the Palais des Nations. Mr. Martin, together with senior representatives of the UNECE secretariat and Mr. Bernard Jamet, GEF Climate Change Coordinator, will be available for further information and to answer questions about the Fund on Friday 27 April at 12:30 in Salle X of the Palais des Nations.

For further information on the Investment Fund please contact:

Mr. Bernard Jamet
GEF Climate Change Co-ordination
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
United Nations Environment Programme
39-43, quai André-Citroën
F-75739 Paris Cedex 15, France

Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 37 18 58
Fax. +33 (0)1 44 37 14 74
E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.unep.fr/ozonaction/

For further information on the Energy Efficiency 21 Project please contact:

Gianluca Sambucini
Energy Efficiency 21 Project
Sustainable Energy Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, Bureau 462
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 1175
Telefax: +41 (0)22 917 0178
E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.unece.org/ie/ and http://www.ee-21.net

Ref: ECE/SED/07/P02