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85th Meeting

Document No.
1Adoption of the agenda ECE/EX/2016/4PDFPDFPDF
2Chairman's conclusions from the last meetingEXCOM/CONCLU/84PDF

Informal segment

3Bureau elections: Call for nominations for Vice- Chair
4Annual Report on technical cooperation activities 20152016/32PDF
5Outcome of the OIOS evaluation2016/33PDF
6Outcome of the OIOS audit2016/34PDF
7Important new developments:  briefing by the Executive Secretary:
(a)    Update on the Conference "Laying the Foundation in the UNECE region for economic integration and sustainable development towards 2030" (for information);2016/35PDF
(b)    Update on Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, financing and follow-up and review
(c)    Next steps to explore possibilities to establish a Road Safety Fund
(d)    Report from the Grants Committee
(e)    Cooperation with other organizations;
(f)    Recent missions and meetings of relevance;
(g)    Key upcoming events.
8 Extrabudgetary projects (for approval)
- Removing Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan2016/36PDF
- Strengthening the national capacity of trade-support institutions of Kyrgyzstan2016/37PDF
- Increase awareness of stakeholders on the relevance of sustainable wood energy2016/38PDF
-Strengthen capacity of the UNECE member States to conform with the principles of the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing2016/39PDF
-Laying the Foundation in the UNECE region for economic integration and sustainable development towards 20302016/40PDF
9Other business