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ACCC/S/2015/2 Belarus

Case status: Findings adopted on 23.07.2021 – Non-compliance found.
Follow-up: On-going; see Decision VII/8c.
Topics: Definitions; Clear, transparent and consistent framework; Access to environmental information; Public participation.
Articles alleged: 3 (9); 6 (2)–(4), 6 (6), 6 (8).
Articles considered by the Committee: 3 (2), 3 (9); 6 (2)–(4), 6 (6)–(9).
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance: 3 (9); 6 (2), 6 (2) (d) (ii), 6 (2) (d) (v), 6 (6), 6 (8), 6 (9).
Summary: On 27 March 2015, Lithuania (the submitting Party) sent a submission to the Compliance Committee alleging the failure of Belarus (the Party concerned) to comply with articles 3 (9) and 6 (2)–(4), (6) and (8) of the Convention regarding the decision-making on a nuclear power plant (NPP) in Ostrovets, Belarus, approximately 50 km from Vilnius.

Document Status Date received or
posted by the Secretariat
Submission From Lithuania (the submitting Party) 27.03.2015 (dated 25.03.2015)
Letter forwarding submission to the Party concerned From the secretariat 08.04.2015
Letter to inform that the Party concerned would apply the 6 month timeframe for its response to the submission RUS ENG From the Party concerned 10.07.2015 (dated 08.07.2015)
Response to submission RUS ENG From the Party concerned 08.10.2015
Letter to the Parties enclosing questions from the Committee From the secretariat 18.07.2016
Reply to questions of the Committee RUS ENG From the Party concerned 12.08.2016

Covering email enclosing
Reply to Committee's questions
Annex 1: Complaint of NGO "Demokratijos pletros fondas" dated 21 August 2013
Annex 2: Letter from Ministry of Environment to Espoo Convention Implementation Committee dated 27 July 2016

From the submitting Party 19.08.2016
Invitation to the Party concerned and the submitting Party to the hearing at Committee's 55th meeting From the secretariat 09.11.2016
Opening presentation for the hearing at Committee's 55th meeting From the submitting Party 07.12.2016
Statement at the hearing at Committee's 55th meeting RUS From the Party concerned 17.12.2016 (dated 16.12.2016)
Questions from the Committee to the Party concerned and the submitting Party  From the secretariat 10.08.2017
Email request for an extension to reply to the questions From the Party concerned 28.08.2017
Request for an extension to reply to the questions, delivered in person by a representative of the Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations From the Party concerned 30.08.2017 (dated 28.08.2017)

Reply to questions from the Committee


From the submitting Party 30.08.2017
Reply to request for an extension from the Party concerned From the secretariat 12.09.2017

Reply to questions from the Committee RUS ENG

Annex 1: Compilation of letters LIT and ENG

Annex 2: Letter No 13-13/1602-BH of 01.10.2013 ENG

Annex 3: Protocol of public hearing on 17.08.2013 RUS

Annex 4: Letters No. 14-16/3759-BH and 14-16/3760-BH of 24.08.2009 RUS, including table in RUS and ENG

Annex 5: Website notification for public hearing on 17.08.2013 RUS

From the Party concerned 18.10.2017

Comments on the Party concerned's reply to the Committee's questions, including letter No. 14-16/3759-BH of 24.08.2009 in ENG and RUS

Annexes 2 and 3: Letters No.14-16/996 of 15.09.2009 and No. 13-16/333-bn of 26.01.2010 RUS

From the submitting Party 31.10.2017
Draft findings and letters to the Party concerned and Lithuania inviting their comments From the secretariat 08.06.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft findings From the submitting Party  20.07.2021
Comments on the Committee's draft findings ENG RUS From the Party concerned 20.07.2021
Findings ENG FRE RUS   23.07.2021