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Measuring social exclusion

Review paper by Canada and Mexico
In-depth review of measuring social exclusion (full version)
The Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians carried out an in-depth review of measuring social exclusion in February 2018. The Bureau noted that social exclusion is a rather loosely defined concept of persons’ material and social deprivation, their lack of involvement in society and having a poor quality of life. There is high demand for data in support of policies that tackle social exclusion as many countries and OECD have inclusive growth and non-exclusiveness on their policy agenda. However, the ambiguity surrounding the term has led to confusion as to what is included in measurements, as the methodology changes based on what definition is used. The Bureau recommended that definitions of social exclusion and social cohesion should be clarified. 
Outcome of the review
In June 2018 the Bureau set up a Task Force on measuring social exclusion with the objective to consolidate current and emerging good practices in measuring social exclusion and in assessing their potential for delivering comparable results.

This page was last updated on: 17 August 2018