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Displaying Results 41 - 49 of 49

- Français
Le Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Europe L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), créée en 1948, est une institution spécialisée des Nations Unies à qui incombe, sur le plan international, la responsabilité principale en matière de questions sanitaires et de santé publique. Le Bureau régional de
- Pусский
Европейское региональное бюро ВОЗ Всемирная организация здравоохра-нения (ВОЗ) – специализированное учреждение Организации Объеди-ненных Наций, созданное в 1948 г.,основная функция которого состоит в решении международных проблем здравоохранения и охраны здоровья населения. Европейское региональ-
- English
A new Partnership as a follow-up to THE PEP High level Meeting in Amsterdam in 2009 and its Goal 1 as well as THE PEP 2010 Symposium on green and healthy-friendly investments and jobs in transport.DocumentENGFRERUSGreen and Healthy jobs in transport
- English
This brochure on the Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment (THE PEP) lays out the four Amsterdam Goals adopted by Ministers at the Third High-level meeting on Transport, Health and Environment (January 2009, Amsterdam) and describes the link between urban problems stemming
- English
At the Third High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment in January 2009, governments adopted the Amsterdam Declaration - Making THE Link, Transport choices for our Health, Environment and Prosperity, giving renewed political impetus to THE PEP and agreed 4 priority goals to be
- English
Economic appraisal is an established practice in transport planning. However, the health effects of transport interventions are rarely taken into account in such analyses. This project had two aims: to review recent approaches to cost–benefit analysis of transport-related physical activity; and to
- English
This report assesses the effectiveness of THE PEP in improving communication, cooperation and collaboration among the three sectors (transport, health, and environment) and its impact on the development of intersectoral policies and strategies in Member States with regard to the integration of
- English
This report reviews developments and progress in transport, health and environment since 1997. While transportation is an integral part of economic and social development and is essential to the functioning of all societies, the report shows that current patterns of transport and travel are not
- English
This brochure is intended to provide guidance and support to political decision makers in their efforts to ensure more sustainable development by strengthening policy integration among relevant sectors of government and to incorporate stakeholders into the decision-making process. Document