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14th session

Informal Group on ITS - 14th meeting

ITS-14-4 - (K. Wani MLIT, K. Hiramatsu JARI) Presentation of Report of Two Years Activities in WP29/ITS Informal Group
English ---- PDF (238 KB)
ITS-14-3 - Report of Two Years Activities in WP29/ITS Informal Group
English DOC (615 KB) PDF (1,554 KB)
ITS-14-2 (WP29-140-11) -- (Japan) Provisional Agenda for the 14th Session of the Informal Group on "ITS"
English DOC (20 KB) PDF (21 KB)
ITS-14-1 (WP29-140-10) - (Japan) Notes on the 13th Session of the Informal Group on "ITS" , Geneva, 23 June 2006
English DOC (35 KB) PDF (28 KB)