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Introduction of a modified version of the TIR Carnet

At its ninety-eighth session (19-22 June 2001, Geneva) the Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport was informed that the IRU was forced to change the supplier of the paper for TIR Carnets as of September 2001 and as a result was forced to change some of the security features incorporated in the TIR Carnet, as the new paper supplier could not provide these features.
For this reason the IRU had proposed to the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) to change at the same time some design related features of the TIR Carnet as well as to add additional security features in order to make falsification more difficult.
The security features incorporated in the TIR Carnet should provide a maximum of security and at the same time preserve the ease with which a TIR Carnet can be used by operators and Customs authorities. As a consequence, the TIR Carnet should be easily recognisable and easy to process while the security features should be discreet and make it possible to verify the authenticity of the TIR Carnet in case of doubt.
The TIRExB decided to accept the changes proposed by the IRU since they are in line with the above considerations and do not modify the relevant provisions of the TIR Convention.
Issuance of the new version of the TIR Carnet by the IRU has been foreseen as from 30 September 2001. Nevertheless, the first TIR Carnets containing the modified lay-out can be expected to be presented to Customs authorities as of December 2001.
The IRU will provide Customs authorities directly, or via national guaranteeing associations, with a number of specimens of the new version of the TIR Carnet.
With the introduction of the new version of the TIR Carnet, the following TIR Carnet versions will be in circulation:
<dir>- "Red" TIR Carnet with a number below 25,000,000: Already as of 1 June 2001 the IRU has instructed all issuing associations to stop the issuance of TIR Carnets, which only contain numeric numbers, i.e. TIR Carnets with numbers below 25,000,000. In principle this version of the TIR Carnet does not circulate anymore. However, this TIR Carnet version remains fully valid if presented in due form to Customs authorities.</dir><dir>- "Red" TIR Carnet with a number between 25,000,000 and 35,000,000: At present all TIR Carnets issued by the IRU contain an alpha-numeric code, i.e. a code consisting of both letters and numbers. The presently issued TIR Carnets with numbers between 25,000,000 and 35,000,000 containing an alpha-numeric code are expected to remain in circulation for some time. This carnet version also remains fully valid if presented in due form to Customs authorities</dir><dir>- "Blue" TIR Carnet with a number above 35,000,000: This TIR Carnet with a modified lay-out, which will reach Customs authorities as of December 2001, has additional blue print and carries numbers above 35,000,000 (see Annex 1). </dir>
Click here for further information about the new TIR Carnet