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The first Steering Committee meeting under the EU Water Initiative National Policy Dialogue in Georgia

11 - 12 June 2012
Tbilisi Georgia

The Steering Committee and Stakeholders discussed institutional and legal reform in the water management sector, transboundary water cooperation and accession to the UNECE Water Convention, the UNECE-WHO/Euro Protocol on Water and, experience of international and other organizations in IWRM implementation in Georgia and opportunities for cooperation in the framework of the National Policy Dialogue. The Steering Committee meeting and Stakeholders' Workshop were organized back-to-back on 11 and 12 June respectively.

Documents of the meeting ENG
Agenda of the Steering Committee meeting PDF
Report of the Meeting PDF
List of participants of the Steering Committee meeting PDF



Legal Perspectives on Water Management Reform in Georgia. Antti Belinskij

Finnish transboundary cooperation. Kari Kinnunen

Review of the Georgian legal and institutional water framework and recommendations for implementation of EU Water Framework Directive principles, including preparation of a national water law. Kari Kinnunen

Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Water Sector in South Caucasus. Nune Harutyunyan

Implementation of Water Framework and Flood Directive in Finland. Markku Maunula

FINWaterWEI programme and the ICI project ”Capacity Building on the Water Monitoring and Management in Georgia – Lake Jandar”. Markku Maunula

Strengthening the economic and financial dimension of Integrated Water Resources Management. Tatiana Efimova

UNECE Water Convention celebrates 20 years: achievements and challenges ahead. Bo Libert

Environmental Protection of International River Basins. Zurab Chincharadze

ENPI Project: Trans-Boundary River Management for the Kura River basin Phase III – Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Peter Roncak

UNDP/GEF Kura Aras Project in Georgia. Mary Mattews

ICI project –Capacity Building on the Water Monitoring and Management in Georgia, 2011-2013 (Georgia Waters). Vano Tsiklauri

Integrated natural resources management in watersheds of Georgia – INRMW. Eliso Barnovi

Concept for a New Water Law of Georgia. Malkhaz Dzneladze

Current water management situation in Georgia. Tamar Gugushvili

UNECE/OSCE Project on Transboundary Water Convention and Bilateral Agreement on Shared Water Resources between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Khatuna Gogoladze