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(ITC Side Event) Emissions Measurement System Technical Demonstration

(ITC Side Event) Emissions Measurement System Technical Demonstration

25 February 2020

1.10-1.50 p.m., 25 February 2020, outside Door 36

This technical demonstration, sponsored by the internationally active inspection company DEKRA, allowed Ministers, ITC delegates, emissions experts and climate change activists to witness the cutting-edge technologies used to test vehicle emissions in laboratory and real-world settings. Inland transport – especially by road – has a significant carbon footprint, but the key step towards reducing this impact begins with accurately recording emissions in all driving contexts and conditions. Accurate measurement is essential to ensuring that vehicles meet air pollution requirements not only when they are new but also throughout their entire life. This accuracy also allows customers to make informed decisions when choosing their vehicles and to gain benefits due to reduced fuel consumption of their well-maintained and inspected vehicles. Most importantly, emissions reduction is critical to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Agenda.


Supported by: DEKRA