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1st Environmental Performance Review of Ukraine


The EPR of Ukraine started with its preparatory mission in November 1997. This mission resulted in the agreed structure of the review. The team carrying out the review consisted of national and international experts. The national team members were made available by Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands and Switzerland. Technical advisers from Germany (on water protection technology) and Italy (on air pollution abatement, waste treatment and measurement technologies) assisted the team in their areas of competence. The Rome Division of the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, UNEP and the ECE secretariat provided the international experts. The costs of participation of experts from countries in transition, as well as the travel expenses of the ECE secretariat, were covered from extrabudgetary funds provided by France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. The Netherlands also bilaterally supported the Ukrainian Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety in its tasks in the project.

Sales # E.00.II.E.1 - ISBN 92-1-116743-4 
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