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1st Environmental Performance Review of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

 This is the first EPR of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia published by ECE. The report covers issues of importance to Belarus,, including the decision-making framework, economic instruments and financing, environmental information and public participation, waste management, air management, water management, agriculture and biodiversity, industry, energy, spatial planning, transport and human health. The report stresses that the environment should become a priority and should be integrated into the decision-making processes of all sectors.
ECE would also like to express its appreciation to the Governments of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland for their support, and to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office in Skopje, the UNEP Regional Office in Europe, the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health (ECEH) and UNEP/Grid-Arendal for participating in this Environmental Performance Review.

The Report is available in  English and Macedonian languages
Readmore ENG MAK
Sales No. E.03-II-E.21
ISBN 92-1-116836-8
ISSN 1020-4563