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Kazakhstan Decision II/5a

Document Status Date received or posted by the secretariat
Decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties
ECE/MP.PP/2005/2/Add.7 (ENG) (RUS)
Adopted at the 2nd meeting of the Parties 13.06.2005
Findings and recommendations of the Compliance Committee with regard to compliance by Kazakhstan made in connection with communication ACCC/C/2004/01
ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2005/2/Add.1 (ENG) (RUS)
Committee's findings which served as a basis for decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties 11.03.2005
Findings and recommendations of the Compliance Committee with regard to compliance by Kazakhstan made in connection with communication ACCC/C/2004/02
ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2005/2/Add.2 (ENG) (RUS)
Committee's findings which served as a basis for decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties 14.03.2005
Letter to the government of Kazakhstan forwarding the final version of decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties Letter from the secretariat 14.07.2005
Draft Strategy to implement decision II/5a
Draft strategy submitted by Kazakhstan purusant to decision II/5a 02.2006
Letter to the government of Kazakhstan regarding the draft implementation strategy submitted by Kazakhstan in February 2006 Letter from the Chair of the Compliance Committee 29.06.2006
Findings and recommendations of the Compliance Committee with regard to compliance by Kazakhstan made in connection with communication ACCC/C/2005/06
ECE/MP.PP/2006/4/Add.1 (ENG) (RUS)
Committee's findings adopted in the intersessional period after the 2nd meeting of the Parties 28.07.2006
Letter from the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan to the Compliance Committee outlining activities related to access to justice (RUS) Letter from the Chair of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan 19.04.2007
Information from Kazakh non-governmental organization Green Salvation with regard to implementation by Kazakhstan of decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties (English) Document submitted by email 30.05.2007
Communication ACCC/C/2007/20 (Kazakhstan) adressing implementation by Kazakhstan of decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties (14 annexes to this communication are omitted here but are availble from the secretariat upon request)
Communication submitted in accordance with para. 18 of the annex to decision I/7 10.05.2007
Letter to the Party made in connection with communication ACCC/C/2007/20 Letter from the secretariat sent at the request of the Committee 01.10.2007
Letter to the communicant made in connection with communication ACCC/C/2007/20 Letter from the secretariat sent at the request of the Committee 01.10.2007
Further information from the communicant with regard to communication ACCC/C/2007/20 (in Russian). 6 addenda to this correspondence containing copies of the communicant's correspondence with the public authorities are available on request from the secretariat (ENG (summary)) (RUS) Letter from the communicant 9.11.2007
Letter to the government of Kazakhstan with regard to matters raised in communication ACCC/C/2007/20 and the additional information provided by the communicant on 9.11.2007, and in connection with the report to be provided by Kazakhstan pursuant to decision II/5a Letter from the secretariat sent at the request of the Committee 19.12.2007
Kazakhstan (Draft) Rerport on the implementation of decision II/5a
Report provided by Kazakhstan pursuant to decision II/5a 11.02.2008
Draft report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by Kazakhstan wtih its obligations under the Convention Prepared at CC-19. As circulated to the Party and the communicants in relevant communications 11.03.2008
Letter to Kazakhstan forwarding the draft report on compliance by Kazakhstan Letter sent by the secretariat at the request of the Committee 11.03.2008
Letter to Green Salvation (communicant in communications C/01/, C/02, as well as C/20) forwarding the draft report on compliance by Kazakhstan Letter sent by the secretariat at the request of the Committee 11.03.2008
Letter to Ms. Gatina (communicant in communication C/06) forwarding the draft report on compliance by Kazakhstan Letter sent by the secretariat at the request of the Committee 11.03.2008
Comments on the Committee's draft report on compliance by Kazakhstan (RUS) Letter from Green Salvation, the communicant in communications C?01, C?02 and C/20 18.03.2008
Addition to the report of Kazakhstan on implementation of decision II/5a
Received from the government of Kazakhstan 18.03.2008
Comments received from Ms. Gatina (in Russian), received following the deadline for commenting and the finalization of the report by the Committee Letter from the communicant in communication C/06 02.04.2008
Report of the Compliance Committee to the third meeting of the Parties, Addendum 5: Compliance by Kazakhstan with its obligations under the Convention andits implementation of decision II/5a of the Meeting of the Parties ECE/MP.PP/2008/5/Add.5 02. 04.2008