List of the TBFRA-2000 main tables by the table name

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1 Overall land classification and population

2. Forest and other wooded land: comparative data

3. Forest and other wooded land by species groups

4. Forest and other wooded land by species groups: comparative data

5. Forest available for wood supply by species groups and silvicultural categories

6. Forest not available for wood supply by species groups, silvicultural categories and reasons for non-availability

7. Changes over time in area of forest and other wooded land

8. Changes over time in area of forest available and not available for wood supply


9. Ownership and management of forest and other wooded land in total

10. Ownership and management of forest and other wooded land in total: comparative data

11. Ownership of forest and of other wooded land

12. Ownership of forest available for wood supply

13. Ownership of forest and of forest available for wood supply: comparative data

14. Managed forest and other wooded land by ownership categories

15 Managed forest available for wood supply by ownership categories

16. Managed forest (total) and FAWS by ownership categories: comparative data

17. Ownership and management of forest not available for wood supply

18. Areas and number of holdings of forest and other wooded land

19. Area of holdings of forest and other wooded land in public ownership by size classes

20. Area of holdings of forest and other wooded land in private ownership by size classes

21. Area of holdings of forest in public ownership by size classes

22. Area of holdings of forest in private ownership by size classes

23. Number of holdings of forest and other wooded land in public ownership by size classes

24. Number of holdings of forest and other wooded land in private ownership by size classes


25. Uneven-aged and even-aged high forest available for wood supply: total of all species groups

26. Uneven-aged and even-aged high forest available for wood supply: predominantly coniferous

27. Uneven-aged and even-aged high forest available for wood supply: predominantly broadleaved

28. Uneven-aged and even-aged high forest available for wood supply: mixed

29. Age-class distribution of even-aged high forest available for wood supply: total of all species groups

30. Age-class distribution of even-aged high forest available for wood supply: predominantly coniferous

31. Age-class distribution of even-aged high forest available for wood supply: predominantly broadleaved

32. Age-class distribution of even-aged high forest available for wood supply: mixed

33. Standing volume of trees (growing stock and dead trees)

34. Growing stock

35. Growing stock on forest by species groups

36. Growing stock on forest available for wood supply: comparative data

37. Changes over time in growing stock on forest and forest available for wood supply

38. Changes over time in growing stock on forest available for wood supply by species groups

39. Volume of dead trees in standing volume

40. Total woody biomass

41. Above-stump woody biomass of trees on forest

42. Gross and net annual increment: general data

43. Gross annual increment on forest by species groups

44. Natural losses (annual) on forest

45. Net annual increment on forest by species groups

46. Net annual increment on forest available for wood supply: comparative data

47. Annual fellings overbark

48. Annual fellings overbark on forest by species groups

49. Annual removals overbark on forest

50. Annual removals underbark, total

51. Annual removals underbark on forest by species groups

52. Fellings and removals on forest available for wood supply: comparative data


53. Forest and other wooded land by categories of "naturalness"

54. Forest and other wooded land by categories of "naturalness": comparative data

55. Protection status: Forest and other wooded land in IUCN protection categories I to VI and forest not available for wood production for conservation/protection reasons

56. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Trees

57. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Vascular plants other than trees

58. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Ferns

59. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Mosses

60. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Lichens

61. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Mammals

62. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Birds

63. Reported number of species (total and forest occurring), of which endangered: Other vertebrates (fish, amphibians and reptiles)

64. Reported number of species (total & forest occurring), of which endangered: butterflies & moths

65. Annual averages of area of regeneration and extension of forest and natural colonization of other land over ten-year period

66. Forest regenerated by natural regeneration, natural regeneration enhanced by planting, coppice sprouting, and planting or seeding over ten-year period

67. Extension of forest (afforestation and reforestation of other wooded land)

68. Types of regeneration and extension of forest (share of annual average area over ten-year period)

69. Origin of planting material used in the forest


70. Area of damage to forest and other wooded land

71. The heaviest annual damage by known causes which occurred in most recent ten-year period

72. Forest fires: number

73. Forest fires: total area

74. Forest fires: area of forest burned

75. Forest fires: area of other wooded land burned

76. Forest condition: percentage of all tree species showing defoliation of 25 % or more (classes 2, 3 and 4)

77. Forest condition: percentage of coniferous species showing defoliation of 25 % or more (classes 2, 3 and 4)

78. Forest condition: percentage of broadleaved species showing defoliation of 25 % or more (classes 2, 3 and 4)


79. Areas where forest and other wooded land is managed primarily for soil protection

80. Changes over time in areas where forest and other wooded land is managed primarily for soil protection

81. Area of forest and other wooded land where access to public is legally allowed and not allowed