Members of the Team of Specialists on TBFRA-2000

Jump to the country: A  CDFGH NPR SU

Jump to the International organization EFJU W

Dr. Michael Köhl, (Leader of the Team)

PhD, Professor, Dresden University of Technology

Chair of Forest Biometrics and Computer Sciences

Wilsdruffer Str. 18

D - 01737, Tharandt

Tel. + 49 35203 381613/ -15

Fax: + 49 35203 381628

Private Phone: + 49-171-2852984

E- mail: [email protected]

AUSTRALIA Mr. Ross Penny

Forest Resource Inventory Section

Department of Natural Resources and Environment

P.O.Box 41, East Melbourne, 3002, Victoria

Tel. + 61 03 965 14 074

Fax: + 61 03 965 14 073

E-mail: [email protected] 


AUSTRIA Mr. Albert Knieling

Dr., Deputy Director, Division of International Forest Policy, Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry

Ferdinandstrasse 4, A - 1020 Vienna

Tel. + 43 1 21 323 7304

Fax: + 43 1 21 323 7216

E-mail: [email protected]

CANADA Mr. Mark Gillis

National Forest Inventory Canada

Canadian Forest Service

506 W Burnside Road, Victoria, BC, V8Z 1M5

Tel. + 1 250 363 07 53

Fax: + 1 250 363 07 75

E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. Vladimir Henzlik

Head of the Department of the Forest Ecology

Forest Management Institute, (UHUL)

Nabrezni 1326, CZ - 254 44 Bandys Nad Labem

Tel. + 42 202 804 481 / 800137

Fax: + 42 202 802 434

E-mail: [email protected] 


DENMARK Mr. Henrik Hagen Olesen

Head of the Section, Forest Policy Division

The National Forest and Nature Agency

Ministry of the Environment

(Miljo-OG Energiministeriet)

Haraldsgade 53, DK - 2100 Copenhagen

Tel. + 45 39 47 20 00 / 45 39 27 20 00 

Fax: + 45 39 27 98 99

E-mail: [email protected]

FINLAND Mr. Erkki Tomppo

Ph.D., Professor

Head of Finnish National Forest Inventory

Finnish Forest Research Institute

Unioninkatu 40A, FIN - 00170 Helsinki

Tel. + 358 9 857 05 340 // 358 9 857 051

Mobile phone: + 358 40 50 28 555

Fax: + 358 9 625 308

E-mail: [email protected]


FRANCE Mr. Jean-Marie Valdenaire

Ingénieur Chargé de la Communication à

l'Inventaire Forestier National

(In charge of Communication, National Forest


L'Inventaire Forestier National

Chateau (Domaine) des Barres 

F - 45290 Nogent-sur-Vernisson

Tel. + 33 38 28 18 18 or 38 28 18 00

Fax: + 33 38 28 18 28

E-mail: jmvaldenaire 


GERMANY Mr. Friedrich Schmitz

Section 615, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture

and Forestry

P.O. Box no. 140270

D - 53107 BONN

Tel. + 49 228 529 4167

Fax: + 49 228 529 4262

E-mail: [email protected] 


HUNGARY Mr. Péter Csoka

Director General, State Forest Service

Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development

Széchenyi utca 14, P.O.Box 10

H - 1054 Budapest V

Tel. + 36 1 37 43 203 / 37 43 200

Fax: + 36 131 26 112 

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

NEW ZEALAND Mr. James P. Barton

Senior Policy Analyst

Agriculture and Forestry Statistical Information

Policy Information Team, MAF Policy

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

ASB Bank House, 101-103 The Terrace

P.O. Box 2526, Wellington

Tel. + 64 4 498 98 28 // 474 41 00

Fax: + 64 4 474 42 06

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected] (home address)

POLAND Mr. Roman Michalak

Dr., Researcher

Department of Forest Management Planning

Forest Research Institute

ul. Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 r., Nr. 3

PL - 00-973 Warsaw

Tel. + 48 22 822 49 38

Fax: + 48 22 822 49 35

E-mail: [email protected]


PORTUGAL Ms. Maria Odete P. Duarte

Head of Forest Inventory Statistics Division

Direccao Geral Das Florestas

Av. Joao Crisostomo 28-50

P - 1050 Lisboa

Tel. + 351 1 312 4974

Fax: + 351 1 312 4983

E-mail: [email protected]


RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr. Andrey N. Filiptchuk

Dr., Deputy Director, All-Russian Scientific, Research

and Information Centre for Forest Resources (ARICFR)

Novocheremushkinskaya str., 69,

117 877 Moscow

Tel. + 7 095 332 53 42 or 332 53 38

Fax: + 7 095 331 05 33

E-mail: [email protected] 

E-mail: [email protected]

SLOVAKIA Mr. Jan Ilavsky

Dr., Director, Forest Research Institute (LVU)

ul. T.G. Masaryka 22, SK - 960 92 Zvolen

Tel. + 421 855 320 316 (- 318) / 321 961 

Fax: + 421 855 233 97 / 321 883

E-mail: [email protected]


SWEDEN Mr. Sven A. Svensson

Head of the Department

National Board of Forestry

S - 554 48 Jönköping

Tel. + 46 36 15 5655

Fax: + 46 36 16 6170

E-mail: [email protected]



Mr. Erik Sollander

National Board of Forestry / WWF officer

Tel. + 46 3615 5655

Fax: + 46 3616 6170

WWF-phone/Fax: + 46 392 123 99

E-mail: [email protected] 

Home: Hasselgatan 22, 564 00 Mullsjö

Tel. + 46 392 129 55

E-mail: [email protected]

SWITZERLAND Mr. Peter Brassel

Dr., Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and

Landscape Research

(Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige

et le paysage)

Zürcherstrasse 111, CH - 8903 Birmensdorf

Tel. + 41 1 739 22 38 / 739 21 11

Fax: + 41 1 739 22 15

E-mail: [email protected]


Associate Branch Chief, Forest Inventory Research

International Resource Assessment Liaison

USDA Forest Service, FIERR

1st Floor, S.W.m., Auditors Building

14th Independence Ave., S.W. 

P.O. Box 96 090, Washington D.C.20250 

Tel. + 1 202 205 0841

Fax: + 1 202 205 1551

E-mail: smith_brad/[email protected]

E-mail: wbsmith/[email protected]

FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Mr. Robert Davis

Senior Forestry Officer, FRA Programme

Forest Resources Division, Forestry Department

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Tel. + 39 6 570 535 96

Fax: + 39 6 570 531 57

E-mail: [email protected]


European Commission Mr. Louis Du Breil De Pontbriand

DG VI-FII-2, European Commission

Directorate General VI Agriculture

Rue de la Loi 200, B - 1049 Brussels

Tel. + 32 2 295 45 16

Fax: + 32 2 296 62 55

E-mail: louis.du-breil-de-pontbriand"


JRC, Joint Research Centre Dr. Pamela Kennedy

Sector for Forest and Catchment Studies

Environmernt and Geo-Information (EGEO) Unit

Space Applications Institute, Joint Research Centre

Commission of the European Communities

I - 21020 ISPRA (VA), Italy

Tel. + 39 332 78 59 78

Fax: + 39 332 78 94 69

E-mail: [email protected]

       JRC, Joint Research Centre

Mr. Sten Folving

Environmental Mapping and Modelling Unit

Space Applications Institute

Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Commission of the European Communities

I - 21020 ISPRA (Va), Italy

Tel. + 39 332 785 009 (789 333)

Fax: + 39 332 789 4 69

E-mail: [email protected]

UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme Mr. Sipi Jaakkola

Senior Scientific Officer, Regional Office for Europe

United Nations Environment Programme

15, Chemin des Anémones

CH - 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland

Tel. + 41 22 917 82 21

Fax: + 41 22 917 80 24

E-mail: [email protected]


WWF, World Wide Fund Dr. Christopher Elliott

Director, Forests for Life Campaign

World Wide Fund for Nature

Avenue de Mont Blanc

CH - 1196 Gland, Switzerland

Tel. + 41 22 364 90 03

Fax: + 41 22 364 05 26

E-mail: [email protected]


EFI, European Forest Institute Mr. Tim Peck

2, chemin des Laurelles

CH - 1297 Founex, Vaud, Switzerland

Tel. + 41 22 776 10 69

Fax: + 41 22 776 10 69

E-mail: [email protected]


WCMC, World Conservation and

Monitoring Centre

Dr. Susan Iremonger

Senior Research Officer, Forest Programme

World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)

219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 ODL

United Kingdom

Tel. + 44 1223 277 314

Fax: + 44 1223 277 136

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected] (home in Ireland)

UN-ECE/FAO secretariat

Mr. Christopher F.L. Prins

Chief, Timber Section, UN/ECE Trade Division

Palais des Nations

1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Tel. + 41 22 917 28 74

Fax: + 4122 917 00 41

E-mail: [email protected]


        UN-ECE/FAO secretariat

Mr. Alexander V. Korotkov

Timber Section, UN/ECE Trade Division

Palais des Nations

1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Tel. + 41 22 917 28 79

Fax: + 41 22 917 00 41

E-mail: [email protected]