UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Note for the Press


Kyrgystan joins Convention on Road Signs and Signals

Geneva, 29 September 2006 -- Kyrgyzstan has become the fifty-fourth Contracting Party to the Convention on Road Signs and Signals.

The Convention on Road Signs and Signals, which was done in Vienna in 1968, prescribes in a uniform manner not only the physical appearance, but also the definition of danger signs, priority signs, regulatory signs, informative signs and traffic lights. This means that every road user in international traffic can understand the situations announced by these signs without risk of misunderstanding when travelling to other countries and adapt their behaviour accordingly.

Recent amendments to the Convention, which entered into force earlier this year, include definitions of cycle tracks and cycle lanes, measures to increase the visibility and legibility of road signs and road markings, new road signs for tunnels including the indication of emergency exits, and the clarification of priority rules at roundabouts.

Together with the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, the Convention on Road Signs and Signals provides Governments with a harmonized legal and technical basis for their national highway codes and ensures a high level of road safety in the countries that implement them. Though elaborated and kept up to date by the UNECE in Geneva, the two Conventions are global in character with Contracting Parties from all continents.

Last year, in Resolution A/RES/60/5, the United Nations General Assembly stressed the importance of the improvement of international road safety norms and welcomed the work of the UNECE Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) in the elaboration of the amendments to these Conventions. It also encouraged Member States to adhere to those Conventions, in order to ensure a high level of road safety in their countries.

For further information regarding the international legal instruments in the field of road traffic and road safety please contact:

José Capel Ferrer, Director, or Christopher Smith,
UNECE Transport Division
Palais des Nations
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Phone: +41 (0) 22 917 2400, 917 3298
Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 0039
E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]

Ref: ECE/TRANS/06/N07