UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release


Expert Meeting on Good Governance
for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Palais des Nations (Conference Room XX), Geneva
1-2 April 2004

The Expert Meeting on Good Governance for SMEs, which will take place at the Palais des Nations on 1-2 April 2004, will focus on current governance practices and analyse models of SME governance in countries with advanced market economies, in new and prospective EU member countries and in countries with economies in transition. The Expert Meeting will also explore the situation at the micro-level, how SMEs understand corporate governance, what their problems are and what governments and non-governmental organizations can do to help them. The Meeting will highlight also the elements and importance of business ethics aspects as well as business and corporate social responsibility.

Good governance is an important element in economic growth. Evidence suggests that good governance is an essential component of sustained economic growth. Good governance for SMEs means practices that could encourage the establishment of SMEs, methods that are useful for start-up businesses to tackle the challenges of market. The development of SMEs is critical to the overall economic growth of transition economies. SMEs create jobs, employ workers laid off from declining or restructured enterprises and generate government revenues. They also establish a solid foundation for market-based growth by creating a large class of stakeholders.

The Forum will be addressed by Prof. Dr. Aymo Brunetti, Head of Economic Policy, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) (Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Huse Morton, Professor of Innovation and Economic Organization, Norwegian School of Management (Norway), Prof. David Smallbone, Head of the Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research, Middlesex University (United Kingdom), Mr. Peter Utting, Deputy Director, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Mr. Arun Agrawal, Secretary General, World Association for SMEs, WASME (India).

Good governance models from advanced market economies (Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland and United Kingdom), new EU countries (Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia), prospective EU accession countries (Croatia and Romania), South-Eastern Europe (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation) will be presented and discussed. A special session will be devoted to the issue of business ethics and corporate social responsibilities. On this occasion, the new UNECE publication on Business Ethics for Start-up Entrepreneurs will also be highlighted.

The Forum will be concluded with a Round Table Discussion on the Role of Governments in Supporting SMEs moderated by Stefan A. Müller, CEO Dreieck Leasing SA, daughter company of the Banca del Gottardo, Lugano Switzerland. Eleven entrepreneurs, owners of SMEs from ten countries will discuss their views on entrepreneurship, management styles, social responsibilities and hopes for the society.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Antal Szabó
Regional Adviser on Entrepreneurship and SMEs
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, Bureau 440
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Phone: + 41(0)22 917 24 71
Telefax: + 41(0)22 917 01 78
E-mail: [email protected]

Ref: ECE/IREEDD/04/P03