UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – Drivers of Economic Development in the Republic of Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)

The Serbian National Conference on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises entitled “SMEs – Drivers of Economic Development” was held on 30 November 2004 in Belgrade by the Government of the Republic of Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro) with a key-note presentation from the UNECE and participation of the donor community within the framework of the European Agency for Reconstruction.

H.E. Mr. Predrag Bubalo, Minister for Economy, in his opening statement emphasized, that “the number of active enterprises increased about 10%, from the period of democratic changes in 2000 and all through to the end of 2003, which could appreciably affect economic growth and development”. He further emphasized that “the main goal of the proposed measures is to overcome barriers to the growth and development of the SMEs. This set of proposed measures is for the purpose of the more efficient operation of an enterprise during its life-span: from its foundation, through growth and development, to its closing.

Nevertheless, in 2005, the first year of implementation of the Action Plan, the priority is given to:

  • Individuals and enterprises starting business
  • Conditions for their financial resources.

Ambassador Jose Lloveras, Head of the EC Delegation to Serbia and Montenegro, highlighted the Western Balkan process in which Serbia also joined the European Charter on SMEs.

Antal Szabó, Regional Adviser on Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the UNECE, made a presentation on “The Importance of SMEs in Transition Economies and in the Process of European Integration” providing advice on how to create an enabling business friendly environment using the UNECE integrated approach of SME development. He highlighted the importance of Government policy and showed examples of business support infrastructure. He also summarized the lessons to be learnt from other transition economies that have completed the transition process and, through entrepreneurship development adaptation of the acquis communautaire, are already members of the enlarged EU.

At present 62,250 SMEs employ 32.4% of the totally employed in the Republic of Serbia and create 46.6% of the GDP. The Index of SME Development is relatively low, however, near the same level as in Bulgaria and Romania. Apart from incorporated SMEs, there are also around 200,000 independent entrepreneurs, mainly traders. The previous Government set very ambitious targets for development of SMEs and reduction of poverty by increasing the total number of SMEs (single proprietors and limited liability companies) from 270,000 to 400,000 and by creating over one million net new jobs. However, given the lack of government programme, financial and human resources, these targets seem very ambitious and difficult to achieve. The UNECE will provide technical assistance within its Regional Advisory Services Programme in the formulation of a National SME Development Action Plan from 2005-2006 including setting up business incubators, strengthening business services institutions by the creation of quality management systems and by establishing micro-credit facilities based on non-financial intermediaries.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Antal Szabó
Regional Adviser on Entrepreneurship and SMEs
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, Bureau 440
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Phone: + 41(0)22 917 24 71
Telefax: + 41(0)22 917 01 78
E-mail: [email protected]

Ref: ECE/IREEDD/04/N04