UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release


UNECE promotes policies conducive to industrial restructuring

Geneva, 15 April 2003 - The daunting task of industrial restructuring has come to the forefront of market reforms in transition economies, especially in the countries of South East Europe and the former Soviet Union. Hundreds of uncompetitive enterprises providing employment and incomes to thousands of people need to be either dismantled or modernized.

To assist Governments in handling the process of industrial restructuring, on 23 April 2003 the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will hold a Workshop on "Policy and Regulatory Options for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in the ECE Region". The Workshop will assemble experts from western and eastern European countries representing Governments, international organizations, trade unions and academia. They will exchange views and experiences on Government policies to create favourable conditions for restructuring non-competitive industries and sectors. In particular, the major issues to be discussed at the Workshop relate to the role of the public sector and government institutions in enforcing property rights and good corporate governance, coherent competition policy, and Government's assistance to capacity building in the financial sector.

The Workshop is organized by the Team of Specialists on Industrial Restructuring, which was created by UNECE to assist member Governments to elaborate policies in this topical area. The exchange of views at the Workshop will enhance the capacity of the Team to advise the relevant Government agencies in transition economies.

For additional information on the Workshop and registration, please contact:

Mr. Iouri Adjoubei
Industrial Restructuring, Energy & Enterprise Development Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Palais des Nations, room 429-2
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Telephone: +41(0)22 917 24 88 / 19 64
Telefax: +41(0)22 917 01 78
E-mail: [email protected]



Ref: ECE/IREEDD/03/P08