UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release


UNECE moves forward to facilitate industrial restructuring
in European transition economies

UNECE Round Table
Conference room XIX, Palais des Nations, Geneva
12-13 February 2002


Geneva, 11 February 2002

Dismantling non-viable enterprises, enhancing the competitiveness of industries, assisting deteriorating towns and regions, and avoiding employment losses – these are the daunting tasks facing the transition countries which will meet at the Palais des Nations on 12 and 13 February 2002 to discuss issues of industrial restructuring.

The Round Table entitled "Industrial Restructuring in European Transition Economies: Experience to Date and Prospects", organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will bring together representatives of governments, labour unions, the private sector and academic institutions from the ECE region. They will try to identify best practices in handling the painful and often politically sensitive issues of restructuring non-competitive industries and creating new enterprises in transition economies. The successful experience of dealing with these problems is particularly important for single industry towns and areas in transition countries, where thousands of people are suffering from the legacy of inefficient territorial planning of the past.

Participants at the Round Table will share their experience on the key issue of domestic and foreign financing to cover the costs of industrial restructuring. The role of central and local authorities in creating a favourable business climate conducive to strategic direct investment from abroad will also be discussed.

The experience of industrial restructuring in developed and transition economies has shown that its success depends on the close collaboration of all interested parties from industries, various levels of government, labour and consumer associations. The Round Table will examine the conditions of social consensus on the objectives, mechanisms and acceptable costs of industrial restructuring to be reached by major stakeholders in transition countries. Finally, the participants will discuss and adopt recommendations to governments focusing on further action required to advance the restructuring in these countries.


For further information please contact:

Iouri Adjoubei
UNECE Coordinating Unit for Operational Activities
Palais des Nations
CH – 1211 GENEVA 10

Tel: + 41(0)22 917 24 88
Fax: + 41(0)22 917 01 78
E-mail: [email protected]

Ref:  ECE/OPA/02/03