UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Releases 2000


Press Release ECE/TRANS/00/9
Geneva, 4 August 2000




The Agreement for the development of global regulations for vehicles will enter into force on 25 August 2000, the thirtieth day following the date on which at least 8 countries and/or regional economic integration organizations have become Contracting Parties to the Agreement.

On 26 July 2000, the Russian Federation became the eighth Contracting Party to the Agreement when Mr. V. S. Sidorov, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva, signed the Agreement. The other seven Contracting Parties are Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America and the European Community.

The Agreement, which had been concluded in Geneva in 1998 in the framework of the UN/ECE Working Party on the Construction of Vehicles (WP. 29) after three years of intense negotiations, provides the legal framework for the development of global automotive regulations, which are expected to improve the safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and anti-theft performance of road vehicles and at the same time reduce manufacturing costs.

The development of global technical regulations will be achieved through harmonization of existing national and international regulations, including the ECE regulations currently annexed to the existing 1958 Agreement, which shall continue to operate in parallel to the new Agreement.

Several other countries have expressed their intention to also become Parties to the new global Agreement. The Republic of South Africa has already signed the Agreement although still has to ratify it to become a Party. The Government of Spain has already decided to sign the Agreement.

The WP.29, in the framework of which the global vehicle regulations will be developed, has since March 2000 transformed itself into the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and will continue to work under the auspices of the UN/ECE Inland Transport Committee. The WP.29 was created in 1953 and has become universally recognized by Governments and the industry as the forum for harmonization of vehicle regulations through its development of the 1958 Agreement and the 110 Regulations annexed thereto.

The text of the Global Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1) is available via the Internet at the following address:


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For further information please contact:

Mr. J. Capel Ferrer, Director, Transport Division, or
Mr. J. Jerie, Secretary to WP.29
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)
Palais des Nations
CH – 1211 GENEVA 10, Switzerland

Phone:  (+41 22) 917 24 01
Fax:    (+41 22) 917 00 39
E-mail:  [email protected]
            [email protected]


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