UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Releases 1999


Geneva, 13 April 1999



At last, a statistical book even the numerically challenged will appreciate. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) publishes its third issue of Trends in Europe and North America.

Turkey is the only country in the UN/ECE region where men actually outnumber women. Turkish women=s life expectancy is exceptionally low.

In Sweden, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Latvia and Switzerland, more than one third of the population lives alone. In Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, between one third and one half of all households consist of at least five people.

Births outside marriage have increased in all countries since 1980. In the Scandinavian countries it is about half of all births and in the United Kingdom about one third. Switzerland (8%) and Greece (4%) have among the lowest rates of births outside wedlock.

With only about a third of women in the labour force, Spain and Turkey are among the UN/ECE countries with the lowest participation of women. At the other end of the scale, in Belarus more than half the total labour force consists of women.

The United States and Switzerland spend more than five times as much per student in higher education than Greece.

Half of the homes in the United Kingdom were built before 1945, while 29% of Turkish homes were built after 1985.

One litre of unleaded petrol costs 37 US cents in the United States, but the equivalent of US$ 1.30 in Norway.

Each year 20 persons or more are killed on the road per 100 000 population in Latvia, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Greece and Slovenia, against 4 in Iceland and Malta.

In Canada there are 14.1 ha of forest per capita, in Israel and in the Netherlands the corresponding figure is 0.02 ha.

In the US there are over 2 000 radio receivers per 1 000 population and about 800 television sets. In Armenia there are only 5 radios and in Bosnia and Herzegovina only 55 TV sets per 1 000 population.

The UN/ECE region accounts for three quarters of the world=s Internet users. The highest number can be found in Iceland, Finland and Norway where more than one in ten inhabitants is an Internet user.

With one mobile phone for every four inhabitants, the Nordic countries are far ahead of most other western countries, including the United States.

While Americans pay on average 9 cents for a local phone call, a similar call in Europe can cost up to 24 cents (Switzerland).

With a production of about 140 films per year, France produces more than twice the European average, but three times less than the United States (420).

With more than 60 cinema seats per 1 000 population, Belarus and Ukraine have the highest number of seats in the UN/ECE region, except for San Marino, which has as many as 72.

More book titles are published in the United Kingdom (101 764) than in the United States (62 039).

There are more than 1 million prisoners in both Russia and the United States.

Two thirds of the homes in the United Kingdom, Netherlands and the United States are equipped with security measures; but less than one third of the homes in Finland and Switzerland.

The Swiss have Europe=s highest police budget: $287 per capita.

The number of homicides recorded per 100 000 population is twice as high in Russia and Estonia as in the United States.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Tom Griffin
Director, Statistical Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)
Palais des Nations
CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Tel: (+41 22) 917 41 44
Fax: (+41 22) 917 00 40
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.unece.org/stats/trend/trend_h.htm

Priced at US$ 40, the publication Trends in Europe and North America 1998/1999 - The Statistical Yearbook of the Economic Commission for Europe may be ordered through the United Nations publications sales agents or direct from the United Nations sales offices in New York or Geneva (see addresses below). Please quote ISBN number 92-1-116698-5 and sales number E.98.II.E.22.

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