UNITED NATIONS E Economic and Social Council ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Distr. GENERAL TRADE/CEFACT/GE.1/1997/10 15 July 1997 ENGLISH ONLY COMMITTEE FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport (Item 6 of the provisional agenda of the Meeting of Experts on Data Elements and Automatic Data Interchange (GE.1), Fifty-sixth session, 17-18 September 1997) UN/EDIFACT SUMMARY OF MESSAGES in DEVELOPMENT (MiDs) FOR MESSAGES TO BE NOTED AS MESSAGES in DEVELOPMENT (MiDs) AT THE SEPTEMBER 1997 SESSION OF GE.1 * * * Transmitted by the UN/EDIFACT Rapporteurs* The Group of Experts is expected to: Note the messages in this document as being Messages in Development. ______________________________________________________________________________ * The present document is reproduced in the form in which it was received by the secretariat. Summary of Messages in Develop ment (MiDs) for noting during the September 1997 session of GE.1 The messages summaries in this document are based on submitted Message in Development documentation. The summary for each message consists of the message TAG, message name,and message functional description. The TAG, name and functional description were copied directly from the machine readable versions of the submitted documentation, when available. The complete documentation for these messages is available from the ECE secretariat. The Group of Experts is invited to: note these messages as being Messages in Development (MiDs). ALPHABETICAL INDEX LIST Tag Message Name UN DMR Number ======================================================================= PASREQ Travel, Tourism and Leisure Product Application Status Request UN-97-00870 PASRSP Travel, Tourism and Leisure Product Application Status Response UN-97-00871 PROCST Project Cost Reporting UN-97-00866 TIQREQ Travel, Tourism and Leisure Information Inquiry Request UN-97-00868 TIQRSP Travel, Tourism and Leisure Information Inquiry Response UN-97-00869 ======================================================================= MESSAGE SUMMARIES ======================================================================= TAG: PASREQ NAME: Travel, Tourism and Leisure Product Application Status Request UN DMR #: UN-97-00870 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: The Product Application Status Request Message is sent by either a service supplier to a product supplier to ask if the application or product is available for request or by a product supplier to a service supplier to notify them that they will not be receiving requests during a specified time period. ======================================================================= TAG: PASRSP NAME: Travel, Tourism and Leisure Product Application Status Response UN DMR #: UN-97-00871 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: The Product Application Status Response Message is sent in response to a Product Application Status Request Message to tell a service supplier that requests should or should not be sent for an application or product. ======================================================================= TAG: PROCST NAME: Project Cost Reporting UN DMR #: UN-97-00866 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: The Project Cost Reporting message is used in various industry sectors when there is a requirement for all parties involved in a project to formally establish and exchange budget baseline, actual, progress, and estimate to complete cost information; technical performance measurement information; and related funding information. This information exchange is typically going from a contractor performing the work to the end customer. The purpose of this information exchange is to provide the end customer with data that describes the work that must be completed, who is doing the work, and establishes the cost budget baseline for the project. This information exchange also provides data that describes how the work is progressing against the cost baseline to determine if the project will complete on time and within budget. The work in process measurement data provides key management information to ensure the project is progressing as planned and highlights any problem areas that need correcting. Technical performance measurement data is used to determine if the project is meeting specific design or functional objectives. Periodic funding data reporting is used to track future funding requirements for the work in process. ======================================================================= TAG: TIQREQ NAME: Travel, Tourism and Leisure Information Inquiry Request UN DMR #: UN-97-00868 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: An interactive Travel, Tourism and Leisure Information Inquiry Request is sent by a customer or his agent, to a service provider to request information about Travel, Tourism and Leisure services, products and facilities. ======================================================================= TAG: TIQRSP NAME: Travel, Tourism and Leisure Information Inquiry Response UN DMR #: UN-97-00869 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: An interactive Travel, Tourism and Leisure Inquiry Response is sent by a service provider in response to an information request for a product or service. ======================================================================= =======================================================================