7 TRADE/CEFACT/CRP.23 15 September 1997 DRAFT QUESTIONNAIRE ON ECE/FAL RECOMMENDATIONS SOURCE: Mr. Kenji Itoh, Mr. Santiago Mila, Vice-Chairs of the CEFACT STATUS: DRAFT QUESTIONNAIRE ACTION: FOR COMMENTS BY END OCTOBER 1997 UN/ECE Draft Questionnaire on Trade Facilitation Recommendations Explanatory note Pursuant to the proposal by the CSG of the CEFACT in May 1997, the present paper has been prepared for comments and approval as a draft questionnaire during the CEFACT plenary session on 15-16 September 1997. After review, final document will be reissued for official circulation during the 1998 March CEFACT session. In order to improve the quality and relevance of questionnaire, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide comments on the following draft and return, no later than 31 October 1997, to: CEFACT Secretariat/Trade Division, 435-1/UN/ECE/ CH 1211Geneva 10/ Switzerland. For further information, please contact Mr. Kenji Itoh at: kenji-it@po.iijnet.or.jp ; or Mr. Santiago Mila at: iaphtfc@apb.es ; or Dae-Won Choi from the CEFACT Secretariat at: daewon.choi@unece.org or Tel. +(41-22) 917-2474. 1. Country : ___________________________ 2. Name and address of respondent: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ City:____________________ Postal Code: _________________ Tel. number: + (______-_____ ) _________________________ Fax number. ______________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________________________________________ _______________ 3. Which of the following best describes your area of work ? Customs administration ______________ National EDI Committee _____________________________ Other national trade facilitatoin related body (please specify) ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Other Govenmental body (please specify) _________________________________________________________ Public enterprise _______________ Private enterprise ____________________________ UN/ECE Draft Questionnaire on Trade Facilitation Recommendations: PART I For each of the following UN/ECE recommendations, please indicate if one or more of the following applies by circling the appropriate number after each entry. (1) It is a national technical regulation the use of which is mandatory. (2) It is a national standard, but its use is voluntary. (3) It is neither (1) nor (2), but its use is actively promoted by the administration. (4) It is not currently used by the administration, but is planned for implementation within the administration within next 6 months. (5) Same as (4), but within 12 months. (6) It is not in use, and no governmental plan is envisaged yet. (7) It is mainly used by the private sector. (8) Others (please specify) A. Recommendation 1: UN Layout Key for Trade Documents (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) B. Recommendation 3: ISO Country Code (ISO 3166) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C. Recommendation 5: Abbreviations of INCOTERMS 1990 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) D. Recommendation 6: Aligned Invoice Layout Key for International Trade (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) E. Recommendation 7: Numerical Representation of Dates, Time, and Periods of Time (ISO 4217) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) F. Recommendation 8: Unique Identification Code Methodology - UNIC (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) G. Recommendation 9: Alphabetical Code for the Representation of Currencies (ISO 4217) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) H. Recommendation 16: UN/LOCODE - Code for Ports and Other Locations (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) I. Recommendation 17: PAYTERMS - Abbreviation for Terms of Payment (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) J. Recommendation 19: Code for Modes of Transport (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) K. Recommendation 20: Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) L. Recommendation 21: Codes for Types of Cargo, Packages and Packaging Materials (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) M. Recommendation 22: Layout Key for Standard Consignment Instructions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) N. Recommendation 23: Freight Cost Code-FCC: Harmonization of the Description of Freight Costs and Other Charges (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) O. Recommendation 24: Harmonization of Transport Status Codes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) UN/ECE Draft Questionnaire on Trade Facilitation Recommendations: PART II Please answer the following by filling in the appropriate blanks or circling options. A. Recommendation 4: National Trade Facilitation Organs 1. Has the country established a national organization or committee dedicated to trade facilitation? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) 2. If not, what administrative arrangement exists for this purpose? (Name and Description: _____________________________________) (None currently exists) 3. If yes, in what areas is the national organization or committee active? __ Trade document alignment __ Development/Coordination of national Automatic Data Processing Systems __ Other (Specify): ________________________________________ B. Recommendation 11: Documentary Aspects of the International Transport of Dangerous Goods 1. Are national procedures relating to the transport of dangerous goods documentation based on the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods ("Orange Book")? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) 2. Please indicate modes and scope of data transfer currently supported by national procedures relating to transport of dangerous goods documentation: __ Standard Paper-based forms ____ % __ Electronic Data Interchange ____ % __ Other (Specify) ________________________ ____ % C. Recommendation 12: Measures to Facilitate Maritime Transport Documents Procedures 1. Does the country uphold and promote the current UN/ECED recommendation measures designed to facilitate maritime transport documents procedures? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) 2. Does the country uphold and promote electronic alternatives for such procedures (if so, to what extent)? (Yes) Extent: ______ (No) (Planned: __________ Date) D. Recommendation 13: Facilitation of Identified Legal Problems in Import Clearance Procedures 1. Has national legislation streamlining import procedures and requirements been introduced on the basis of the recommendation? Indicate applicable areas: ___ Reducing volume of supporting evidence ___ Concessionary import arrangements ___ Application of Kyoto Convention ___ Automatic Data Processing procedures ___ Electronic forms of customs data transmission 2. Has the country conducted a study and evaluation based on the recommendation? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) E. Recommendation 14: Authentication of Trade Documents by Means Other than Signature 1. Has the country considered alternatives to traditional paper- based methods of transmission and document authentication? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) 2. If "Yes", has the country implemented policies affecting legal requirements for document authentication on the basis of the legal provisions specified in Annexes II and III of the Recommendation? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) F. Recommendation 15: Simpler Shipping Marks 1. Please indicate progress on the implementation of recommendations a-e for the simplification of shipping marks (check items implemented; circle items to be shortly implemented): ___ (a): Adoption of Standard Shipping Mark ___ (b): Discontinuation of requirements ___ (c): Promotion of metric system ___ (d): Adoption of ISO standards ___ (e): Adoption of physical marking methods. G. Recommendation 18: Facilitation Procedures Related to International Trade Procedures 1. Please indicate the degree of progress achieved in the implementation of the facilitation measures under the areas described in the recommendation: Note: Use "A" to indicate all measures in given area implemented, "M" to indicate that a majority of measures in the given area have been implemented, "S" to indicate that a minority of measures in the given area have been implemented, and leave blank if none of the measures have been implemented in a given area. Measures related to: ___ Production of Goods ___ Forwarding, Cargo Handling & other Services ___ Purchase ___ Transport ___ Sale ___ Exit ___ Payment ___ Entry and/or Transit ___ Insurance ___ Other Measures H. Recommendation 25: Use of the UN Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) 1. Please indicate the degree of progress achieved in introducing and establishing the use of UN/EDIFACT as a national and international electronic data interchange standard in each of the following areas: Note: Please use "I" for "already implemented", "P" for planned implementation, and "X" for no implementation foreseen. ___ The use of UN/EDIFACT (public-public, public-private) ___ Organized promotion, support and implementation of UN/EDIFACT ___ Introduction of national EDI legislation upholding UN/EDIFACT as international standard ___ General promotion of UN/EDIFACT for international transactions ___ The development and selection of national standards taking into consideration migratory potential to UN/EDIFACT. 2. What other EDI standard, if not UN/EDIFACT, is supported by the country in question? _____________________________________________________________ 3. What estimated percentage of total public transactions occur through EDI? (0-25%) (25-50%) (50-75%) (75-100%) 4. If UN/EDIFACT has been implemented in the public sector, please list the sectors where it has been implemented. _________________________________________________________________ (Please attach to this questionnaire contact information for each of these sectors for CEFACT Secretariat to obtain further information on the use of UN/EDIFACT directories and messages.) _________________________________________________________________ I. Recommendation 26: Commercial Use of Interchange Agreements for Electronic data Interchange 1. Does the country uphold and promote the Model Interchange Agreement for the International Commercial Use of Electronic Data Interchange? (Yes) (No) (Planned: __________ Date) 2. If "Yes", have current or planned legislative and regulatory reforms adopted the terms and provisions of the Model Interchange Agreement. and to what degree? (Yes) Partial--Most--All (No) (Planned: __________ Date) *** *** *** ANNEX Description of Recommendations 1.United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents Provides an international basis for the standardization of documents used in international trade and transport, including the visual representation of such documents. The UN Layout Key is intended particularly to serve as a basis for designing aligned series of forms employing a master document in a reprographic one-run method of document preparation; it can also be applied for the layout of visual display presentations in electronic data processing applications. 2. Location of Codes in Trade Documents The text was incorporated into Recommendation No. 1 "United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents". 3. ISO Country Code for Representation of Names of Countries Known as the "ISO ALPHA-2 Country Code," for use in representing the names of countries, dependencies, and other areas of special geopolitical interest for purposes of international trade whenever there is a need for a coded alphabetical designation. 4. National Trade Facilitation Organs Provides guidelines for establishing national organizations or committees, in accordance with national regulations, to encourage the implementation of recommendations on facilitation of international trade procedures. 5. Abbreviations of INCOTERMS Proposes abbreviations of trade terms for acceptance and use by Governments and international organizations whenever these terms are referred to in abbreviated form, including electronic data transmission and processing. 6. Aligned Invoice Layout Key Applies to the design of commercial invoices for international trade in goods. The layout key can also be used as a basis for designing invoices in other instances. Invoices based on this Recommendation are intended to the extent possible - to present the required data in such a way that existing documents could be complemented or in certain cases replaced (e.g. Customs invoices, consular invoices, declarations of origin, etc.) 7. Numerical Representation of Dates, Time and Periods of Time Establishes a method for a standardized and unambiguous all-numerical designation of a given date, time of day and a given period of a time. It applies to all cases where these data are presented as separate entries in numerical form but not when they are part of a plain language text. 8. Unique Identification Code Methodology (UNIC) Establishes a unique consignment reference number with the objective of reducing the number of different references used by parties in international and national trade transactions. It is not intended as a method of product identification. 9. Alphabetic Code for the Representation of Currencies Encourages the use of the three-letter alphabetic codes of International Standard ISO 4217, "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds," for application in international trade and their use in commercial transactions when currencies are expressed in coded or abbreviated form. The code is designed to be equally suitable for automated or manual applications. 10. Codes for Ships' Names This Recommendation is under revision and will be reissued following approval by the UN/ECE Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures. 11. Documentary Aspects of the International Transport of Dangerous Goods Sets forth actions to harmonize information requirements and to simplify documentary procedures for the transport of dangerous goods in order to decrease complexity and increase accuracy and efficiency. 12. Measures to Facilitate Maritime Transport Documents Procedures Aims to simplify and harmonize procedures and documents used by shipowners, consignees, banks and other parties involved in the maritime transport of goods to evidence the contract of carriage. This Recommendation applies to consignment-based documents evidencing contract or undertaking to carry goods by vessel, and to related procedures. It also applies to multimodal transport, as appropriate, 13. Facilitation of Legal Problems in Import Clearance Procedures Recommends to Governments a series of modifications which could be introduced into national laws and regulations to permit Customs and regulatory bodies to clear imports more efficiently and to benefit from advances in modem information technology. 14. Authentication of Trade Documents by means other than signature Seeks to encourage the use of electronic data transfer in international trade by recommending that Governments review national and international requirements for signatures on international trade documents, in order to eliminate the requirement for paper documents and meeting the requirement of signatures by the authentication guaranteed by the means of transmission. It also recommends examining current commercial documents to identify those where signature could be safely eliminated and promoting the necessary changes in commercial practice 15. Simpler Shipping Marks Describes a simple and standardized approach to identify cargo in order to reduce costs, mistakes, confusion and shipment delays. The Standard Shipping Mark established in this Recommendation should be used for marking on packages moved internationally by all modes of transport, for reproduction in related documents, as data elements in trade data interchange. 16. UN/LOCODE - Code for Ports and other Locations Recommends a five-letter alphabetic code for abbreviating the names of locations of interest to international trade, such as ports, airports, inland freight terminals, and other locations where Customs clearance of goods can take place, and whose names need to be represented unambiguously in data interchange between participants in international trade. 17. PAYTERMS - Abbreviations for Terms of Payment Provides abbreviations for certain terms of payment, referred to as "PAYTERMS", for use in international commercial trade transactions relating to the provision of goods and/or services. 18. Facilitation Measures Related to International Trade Procedures Outlines a series of measures related to the movement of goods, presented in groups covering different phases of a common international trade transaction, which on their own would not justify an independent formal recommendation but which Governments should consider implementing. Each section describes the application area, outlines the procedures and documents covered, and describes the particular problems for which facilitation measures are provided. 19. Codes for Modes of Transport Establishes a one-digit numerical code for representing transport modes and provides for a second digit for subdivisions which might be required. This Recommendation applies to all cases where mode of transport is represented in coded form in international trade documents and where a simple code structure suffices. 20. Codes for Units of Measurement used in International Trade Provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade. 21. Codes for Types of Cargo, Packages and Packaging Materials Establishes a numeric code system to describe the appearance of goods as presented for transport to facilitate identification, recording, handling, and establishing handling tariffs. The recommendation also establishes complementary alphabetic codes to represent the names of packages and provides pictorial symbols to provide a visual association between the codes and the types of packages that they represent. 22. Layout Key for Standard Consignment Instructions Presents a layout key, based on the LTN Layout Key for Trade Documents, for the design of Standard Consignment Instructions intended to convey instructions from either a seller/consignor or a buyer/consignee to a freight forwarded, carrier or his agent, or other provider of service, enabling the movement of goods and associated activities. This Recommendation is relevant to the movement and handling of goods, Customs, distribution of documents, allocation of charges and special instructions. 23. Freight Cost Code - FCC Provides a naming system to be used for the establishment of harmonized descriptions of freight costs and other charges related to the international movement of goods. It also specifies an unambiguous coded representation of those descriptions. This Recommendation applies in all cases where descriptions of freight costs and other charges have to be stated in plain language or in coded form in trade data interchange, be it in paper documents or by electronic means. 24. Harmonization of Transport Status Codes Provides Transport Status Codes to satisfy requirements for exchanging coded information about the status of consignments, goods or means of transport at a certain time or place in the transport chain. Representation of transport status codes can be given in plain language or in coded form. The codes provided for in this Recommendation are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between all participants in international trade. 25. Use of the United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) Recommends coordinated action by governments to promote UN/EDIFACT as a single international standard for electronic interchange of data (EDI) between public administrations and private companies of all economic sectors world-wide. 26. Commercial use of Interchange Agreements for Electronic Data Interchange Promotes the use of interchange agreements between commercial parties using Electronic Data Interchange in connection with international commercial transaction. The Recommendation includes a Model Interchange Agreement for international use. Though designed for bilateral agreements between two trading partners, the Model Interchange Agreement, with adjustments, can be implemented in multilateral relationships such as in a trade community or association.