UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL TRADE/CEFACT/1997/2 4 June 1997 Original: ENGLISH ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE COMMITTEE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Centre for Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport (CEFACT) (Second session, 15-16 September 1997) PROVISIONAL AGENDA FOR THE SECOND CEFACT SESSION to be held in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, starting at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 15 September 1997 1. Adoption of the agenda TRADE/CEFACT/1997/2 2. CEFACT Steering Group TRADE/CEFACT/1997/3 TRADE/CEFACT/1997/4 TRADE/CEFACT/1997/5 TRADE/CEFACT/1997/6 TRADE/CEFACT/1997/CRP.1 3. Mandates for approval TRADE/CEFACT/1997/7 4. Programme of work TRADE/CEFACT/1997/8 5. Promotion of CEFACT objectives TRADE/CEFACT/1997/9 6. Implementation of CEFACT's Work TRADE/CEFACT/1997/10 7. Migration to CEFACT structures 7.1 Matters relating to the March 1997 Meeting TRADE/CEFACT/GE.1/1997/1 of Experts on Data Elements and Automatic Data Interchange (GE.1) GE.97- 7.2 Matters relating to the March 1997 Meeting of TRADE/CEFACT/GE.2/1997/1 Experts on Procedures and Documentation (GE.2) 7.3 Matters relating to the March 1997 joint TRADE/CEFACT/GE.1/1997/1 session on legal matters of the Meeting of TRADE/CEFACT/GE.2/1997/1 Experts on Data Elements and Automatic Data Interchange and the Meeting of Experts on Procedures and Documentation 8. Other business 9. Adoption of the Report of the second session * * * EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA Introduction 1. The provisional agenda for the second session of the Centre for Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport (CEFACT) has been established in accordance with decisions taken by the CEFACT officers and Steering Group. 2. The provisional timetable presented below has been proposed by the Steering Group for the second session of the Centre for Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport (CEFACT). The timetable is only indicative. The Report of the second CEFACT session will be approved during the first half of the afternoon session on Wednesday, 17 September 1997. It is expected that the experts of GE.1 and GE.2 will have a joint session on legal issues in the second half of the afternoon of Thursday, 18 September 1997. The Reports of the sessions of GE.1 and GE.2, as well as of their joint session will be approved during the afternoon session on Friday, 19 September 1997. The CEFACT Steering Group will convene meetings in the mornings of 15 and 19 of September 1997. a.m. p.m. Monday 15 September 1997 CSG CEFACT Tuesday 16 September 1997 CEFACT GE.2 Wednesday 17 September 1997 GE.2 CEFACT/GE.1 Thursday 18 September 1997 GE.1 GE.1/GE.1-GE.2 Friday 19 September 1997 CSG GE.1/GE.2 3. The second CEFACT session will begin at 15:00 on Monday, 15 September 1997 to discuss agenda items and migration to CEFACT as well as outstanding GE.1 and GE.2 work items. Item 1 - Adoption of the agenda 4. In accordance with the Commission's Rules of Procedures, the first item on the provisional agenda is the adoption of the agenda (document TRADE/CEFACT/1997/2). Item 2 - CEFACT Steering Group (CSG) reports 5. The Chair of the CSG will present his report summarizing the results of the CSG s work during the last 6 months (TRADE/CEFACT/1997/CRP.1). 6. The Chair of the CSG will present the reports from their meetings, which were held in March, May and August 1997 as contained in documents TRADE/CEFACT/1997/3, TRADE/CEFACT/1997/4, and TRADE/CEFACT/1997/5. These reports are for discussion and may contain items for approval. 7. The Steering Group's interim procedures are outlined in TRADE/R.650 (paragraphs 28-31). A revised version of these procedures is submitted for review and comment (document TRADE/CEFACT/1997/6). Item 3 - Mandates for approval 8. The Chair of CSG will present the Working Group mandates recommended for approval by the Steering Group (document TRADE/CEFACT/1997/7). Item 4 - Programme of work 9. A draft matrix of the work programme will be presented by the CEFACT Steering Group in document TRADE/CEFACT/1997/8. This document is for review and comment. Item 5 - Promotion 10. Vice Chair of the CEFACT Steering Group, Ms. B. Curry (United States), will present the draft terms of reference developed for the CEFACT Vice Chair responsible for promotion and awareness activities (document TRADE/CEFACT/1997/9). Item 6 - Implementation of CEFACT's work 11. Vice Chairs of the CEFACT Steering Group, Mr. K. Itoh (Japan) and Mr. S. Mila (IAPH), will report on the status of their assessment of the current implementation of CEFACT's work (document TRADE/CEFACT/1997/10). Item 7 - Migration to CEFACT structures 7.1 Matters relating to the Meeting of Experts on Data Elements and Automatic Data Interchange (GE.1) 12. The report from the March 1997 session of GE.1 will be presented in document TRADE/CEFACT/GE.1/1997/1. This report contains items for approval. 13. The Chair of the Meeting of Experts will also report on migration issues faced by the Meeting for comments by delegations. 7.2 Matters relating to the Meeting of Experts on Procedures and Documentation (GE.2) 14. The report from the March 1997 session of GE.2 will be presented in document TRADE/CEFACT/GE.2/1997/1. This report contains items for approval. 15. The Chair of the Meeting of Experts will also report on migration issues faced by the Meeting for comments by delegations. 7.3 Matters relating to the joint session on legal matters of the Meeting of Experts on Data Elements and Automatic Data Interchange and the Meeting of Experts on Procedures and Documentation 15. The report from the March 1997 joint session on legal matters, as found in Annex 1 of documents TRADE/CEFACT/GE.1/1997/1 and TRADE/CEFACT/GE.2/1997/1, will be presented. 16. The Legal Rapporteurs will report on migration issues faced by the joint session for comment by delegations. Item 8 - Other business 17. At the time of writing, the secretariat has no points to propose under this item. Item 9 - Adoption of the Report of the second session 18. The Report of the second CEFACT session will be approved during the first half of the afternoon session on Wednesday, 17 September 1997. _______________