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Recommendations on harmonized Europe-wide technical requirements for inland navigation vessels (Resolution No. 61), Revision 1

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The UNECE Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-Wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels (Resolution No. 61) establish a Pan-European regime of technical requirements for inland navigation vessels engaged in international transport of goods and passengers. They are a result of Governments efforts, aimed at unifying the divergent regulations in force within different intergovernmental organizations and within individual UNECE member countries. The unified regulations contained therein have been brought in line with relevant European Union's legislation and are to facilitate the recognition of ship’s certificates issued on their basis, thus avoiding the need for vessels engaged in international transport by inland waterway to undergo a double inspection. The Recommendations contain, in particular, strict regulations on limitation of air and water pollution by vessels and on abatement of noise produced by them as well as the internationally agreed standards for minimum manning requirements and working and rest hours of crews.

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