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ITC 70th Anniversary - Survey

With the milestone of the 70th Anniversary of the ITC approaching in 2017, the ITC Survey was launched on 1 September 2016 in order to take stock of where the ITC stands in the eyes of its member States and other key stakeholders as well as their expectations for the future of the Committee.  The 21-question survey, which is available in all UNECE languages as well as Spanish, was sent out to past participants to one or more Working Parties, Groups of Experts, or ITC meetings.

With 70 years of successful landmark achievements in the area of inland transport, the work of the ITC is still an ongoing process, building on past accomplishments to make mobility and transport safer and more sustainable in the future. The survey does not ask about specific details about working groups or subsidiary ITC bodies, but rather about the strategic direction of the ITC.  Has it been in the eyes of stakeholders successful, and what would they like to see for the future?

The purpose of ITC is to serve its members by improving inland transport both nationally and internationally. However, that purpose can only be met by understanding what the stakeholders see as the strengths and weaknesses of the ITC, as well as what they expect from the Committee in coming years.  This survey can make the ITC stronger, and more effective.  So please take advantage of the last week, and take the survey to make your opinion known.

If you have not received the survey link and would like to participate please contact us stating which of the four languages you would like to receive the survey in (English, French, Russian or Spanish).