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Sigurd Heiberg

Subject: Comments/proposals to Draft Bridging Document between the Oil and Fuel Gas Reserves and Resources Classification of the Russian Federation of 2013 and UNFC-2009: from Mr. Sigurd Heiberg, Petronavit a.s.
14 August 2016
The GKZ and the Technical Advisory Group should be commended on producing a significant bridging document. The key achievement is clearly caused by identifying the project and not the accumulation as the information carrier. Practice will, over time surely prove the value of this move.
I have confined my comments to a detail on language. The English text will improve in clarity by replacing the words “reserves” and “resources” by “recoverable quantities”, “additional quantities in place” or sometimes simply “quantities”. I enclose comments in the text to illustrate the point. They are also provided below:
Page 2, footnote 1
In this text, replace reserves with recoverable quantities, which is a clear plain English term not requiring definition.
Para 12
Here the term recoverable reserves is used, suggesting that reserves may also be non-recoverable. Using recoverable quantities in lieu of reserves avoids the problem.
Para 15
Here, the appropriate term would be non-recoverable quantities.
Para 19
The appropriate term here is quantities. Additional quantities in place are distributed on the G-axis in E3F4.
Para 26
Use quantities in place in lieu of resources.
Para 26
Delete “to subdivide” (used twice)

Comments from Mr. Sigurd Heiberg, Petronavit a.s., to Draft Bridging Document between the Oil and Fuel Gas Reserves and Resources Classification of the Russian Federation of 2013 and UNFC-2009.ween the Oil and Fuel Gas Reserves and Resources Classification of the Russian Federation of 2013 and UNFC-2009.